post #9000000 GET!

Machine translation vandalism

Posted under General

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NNescio is being a dickhead and deleting some things I machine translated because nobody else has touched it. The rules on translations clearly state bad translations are better than no translation and that machine translation isn't encouraged but there is no rule against it. Him deleting notes for translations without replacing them is asinine. Really nice when an approver throws a tantrum and deletes hours of work because he can translate it but doesn't

Updated by evazion

Unbreakable said:

Please tone down your language.

And no, machine translations are not welcome, can you point out where the rules say that a bad translation is better than none?

Says nowhere that they are not allowed, it says not encouraged. It's retarded that you would think that it's better to leave a doujin completely blank and untranslated than me get 90% of it right and leave it in the check translation category.

Unbreakable said:

That part states the opposite of what you are trying to prove.

You're wrong. The sentence about being confident in the language is not only irrelevant but asinine on this site. For one, the sentence directly afterwards states that BAD IS WORSE THAN NONE. Secondly, there's a ton of translations on this website with trash English that nobody goes around deleting.

Unbreakable said:

That part states the opposite of what you are trying to prove.

I don't know how you can even try to defend this. I don't know how you can defend leaving content completely untouched being better than using 2 different programs by million or billion dollar companies and consulting a fluent speaker if I'm completely stumped. I don't just copy paste whatever google translate spits out, it took me HOURS to make sure everything made sense with the translation and it read fluidly.

How about I go back to the 400+ notes that I fixed the English in and delete all of those because bad is worse than none? I'll just clear out every note I ever see that isn't correct because they're bad instead of fixing them

Now he is fully admitting to vandalizing them as he says he deleted notes he thought were grossly wrong or something and now he's just deleted all of the notes including the ones that he initially left because they were correct

Lobuttomize said:

I don't know how you can even try to defend this.

Easy; machines rarely understand nuance, and in a language as complex and weird as Japanese which pulls shit like leaving subjects out of sentences, they have a very difficult time not only creating accurate translations but also not creating misleading ones. A bad translation that causes confusion and, in some cases, anger and butthurt in the readers when they misunderstand what was actually written, is worse than a translation not existing. And, yes, we've been there before.

OOZ662 said:

Easy; machines rarely understand nuance, and in a language as complex and weird as Japanese which pulls shit like leaving subjects out of sentences, they have a very difficult time not only creating accurate translations but also not creating misleading ones. A bad translation that causes confusion and, in some cases, anger and butthurt in the readers when they misunderstand what was actually written, is worse than a translation not existing. And, yes, we've been there before.

You clearly did not read what I typed. I DO NOT PASTE WHAT GOOGLE SPITS OUT. I make sure everything makes sense in what I'm typing which is more than can be said for half the translations on this website

DeusExCalamus said:

Of all the things to get worked up over, you choose this.

Uh, yeah, because I put time and effort into this and I'm actively making the job of translating easier. If something I put is actually completely off-base then it's still easier for translators to fix that than have to do the whole page themselves. It also, I dunno, lemme see, allows people to actually read some of the story for these images full of Japanese hosted on a western website????

Lobuttomize said:

You clearly did not read what I typed. I DO NOT PASTE WHAT GOOGLE SPITS OUT. I make sure everything makes sense in what I'm typing which is more than can be said for half the translations on this website

Makes sense in the context that the machine provided for you. If you aren't translating the text in your own brain, you can't be sure what you're putting out is correct.

Before you get too fond of it, trying to use "I've seen worse" as an excuse is a highly classic Danbooru blunder that will get you nowhere. Any publicly edited website will contain worse; it's the users' job to improve it. Running with potentially inaccurate potshots glossed up with proper grammar isn't such a thing.

OOZ662 said:

Makes sense in the context that the machine provided for you. If you aren't translating the text in your own brain, you can't be sure what you're putting out is correct.

Before you get too fond of it, trying to use "I've seen worse" as an excuse is a highly classic Danbooru blunder that will get you nowhere. Any publicly edited website will contain worse; it's the users' job to improve it. Running with potentially inaccurate potshots glossed up with proper grammar isn't such a thing.

Ok, then why is it not the user's job to improve my notes? Why are mine to be deleted but the ones that barely make any English sense are my job to fix? On top of that, I translated a touhou doujin by an author that I'm fond of because I want to know what is happening in it and I'm positive that others do too. I know the artist's writing style and sense of humor and I'm educated on touhou lore as well. I use ALL of my resources to attempt to make the translation accurate both for myself and whomever else reads it

Veradux said:

If machine translation, cleaned up or not, was acceptable practice, wouldn't we already be doing it?

You should have asked before hand.

The whole reason I did it was because I saw someone else do it a while ago. On top of that, it's still not easy for people to machine translate Japanese because they either need to find a program that can copy the kanji from images or manually draw all the kanji into the translation program themselves.

having some knowledge of the language and having spent some time fiddling with google translate, I can pretty easily say that google translate translations can be wrong in occasionally very subtle ways. It can't handle slang, and while sometimes you can identify patterns where it failed to understand (男の娘 becoming "man's daughter", for example), this isn't always the case. just reviewing the text for grammar errors isn't going to create an anywhere near ideal translation

this has occasionally resulted in problems, for example, with the increasingly global vtuber community where someone smashes translate on a tweet by a japanese vtuber and the results are just completely wrong, and someone has to step in and try to resolve the resultant chaos.

Also, I'd wager that part of the reason the "bad english" isn't being dealt with is because people don't notice. There are a lot of notes on this site and some are bound to be missed.

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