Should this wait the huge Fate/BUR?
Posted under Tags
I skipped this because I'm still confused about this character and I didn't want to do something that contradicts topic #17356.
Please break it down for me:
All sources I can find call her something different:
Which Fate/Grand Order wiki is even the best one?
If her name is Yu Mei-ren, is it spelled Yu Mei-ren or Yu Meiren? If it's spelled Yu Mei-ren, does that mean we need to hyphenate other character names too? Compare the following:
"Yu Mei-ren" with a hyphen is official in the English version
Akuta Hinako is the same character, but for spoiler reasons I think she should be a completely separate unimplicated tag for her Crypter design ONLY. As of now, the tag probably needs a little bit of cleanup since it's needlessly used on some images of Yu's servant design.
The bulk update request #4011 (forum #176438) has been approved by @evazion.
EB said:
Akuta Hinako is the same character, but for spoiler reasons I think she should be a completely separate unimplicated tag for her Crypter design ONLY. As of now, the tag probably needs a little bit of cleanup since it's needlessly used on some images of Yu's servant design.
I'm not sure how much of a spoiler this is considering that none of these posts are tagged spoilers and when I look at both characters it's obvious they're the same person. This seems like a "Clark Kent is really Superman" tier spoiler to me.