I just noticed, because of another user, that there´re alot of images tagged with the specific bag color. I didn´t know before, that colored_bag tags aren´t "good", which is why I used them when I started uploading to danbooru.
The amount is still pretty low, but I wanted to ask, if those still should be not used at all. Then all those colored_bag tags, like *_backpack and *_bag, should be nuked again. But I would say, those should be aliased too, so that they won´t be used again.
If some users think, that bags can be colored as a tag, then we should imply all those *_backpack tags to *_bags, so we don´t have multiple tags over that.
I´m in favor for a alias or a imply solution, because not everybody is using the forum for search or tag "history", so there will always be someone tagging those colors again. They can still be nuked again, but implying or aliasing is a more easy solution IMO.