post #9000000 GET!

Colored bags

Posted under Tags

I just noticed, because of another user, that there´re alot of images tagged with the specific bag color. I didn´t know before, that colored_bag tags aren´t "good", which is why I used them when I started uploading to danbooru.
The amount is still pretty low, but I wanted to ask, if those still should be not used at all. Then all those colored_bag tags, like *_backpack and *_bag, should be nuked again. But I would say, those should be aliased too, so that they won´t be used again.

If some users think, that bags can be colored as a tag, then we should imply all those *_backpack tags to *_bags, so we don´t have multiple tags over that.

I´m in favor for a alias or a imply solution, because not everybody is using the forum for search or tag "history", so there will always be someone tagging those colors again. They can still be nuked again, but implying or aliasing is a more easy solution IMO.

I don't like colour_bag tags, I don't believe they are really useful for searching or anything but if we are really keep them it makes no sense in separating them between stuff like green_bag, green_backpack, green_suitcase and so on, they should all be gathered under each colour_bag tag.

As for use case, just because it's not useful to one person, doesn't mean it wouldn't be for another. I can see these as being useful for drilling into and re-discovering a specific image one remembered broad details of, but not specifics. It might also be useful to someone looking to find a wallpaper with a certain palette.

I'm ambivalent on making color tags very generic (I see benefits both to more specific and more general tags on these), but I'd be against nuking them, and I don't see why they'd necessarily be classified as "bad".

If people are going to put in the effort to tag with a fine level of detail, I'm not the fondest of wiping that work out with nuking tags.

Unbreakable said:

We can't really go around tagging colours on everything just because one user might find use of it in the future, we really need to draw the line somewhere because at some point it just turns into tag padding, tags like white bed sheet or brown wall (both former tags) isn't useful in the slightest.

Agreed with that. Unless some distant future version of Danbooru allows colors to be associated with tags directly, there obviously needs to be a line somewhere. Again, that's why I'm undecided on whether more specific or more generic is a good idea.

I'm not stating an specific opinion on that, just saying I don't think nuking as a default is a good option.

Shinjidude said:

As for use case, just because it's not useful to one person, doesn't mean it wouldn't be for another. I can see these as being useful for drilling into and re-discovering a specific image one remembered broad details of, but not specifics. It might also be useful to someone looking to find a wallpaper with a certain palette.

I'm ambivalent on making color tags very generic (I see benefits both to more specific and more general tags on these), but I'd be against nuking them, and I don't see why they'd necessarily be classified as "bad".

If people are going to put in the effort to tag with a fine level of detail, I'm not the fondest of wiping that work out with nuking tags.

I´m in favor of not nuking it, but on the other hand understand, that not every coloured object is necessary. For bags I think that it can be usefull for searching, if you remember little details of an image you want so search or if you´re looking for a specific design, that isn´t just black and blue like most bags on here.

The reason why I think that they should be merged, instead of creating a colour for bags, backpacks and suitcases is, that you can still search the specific case you want. Bag is already an umbrella tag which is implied by backpack, handbag etc. Getting the colours under one tag should be enough of searching value. In this case I would at least imply *_backpack to *_bag for every color and then the *_bag tags to bag.

I´m not sure for suitcase by now, because I guess that most of those are either brown or black, maybe white.

Unbreakable said:

We can't really go around tagging colours on everything just because one user might find use of it in the future, we really need to draw the line somewhere because at some point it just turns into tag padding, tags like white bed sheet or brown wall (both former tags) isn't useful in the slightest.

I wouldn't agree something like white_bed_sheet was without use, ie fetishism, which I don't believe would be the same as with the color or a wall or bag