In pestering a frequenter of the Danbooru discord to translate posts in Portuguese, I was made to realize that, as in post #3048951, posts marked with portuguese (sub any other non-EN/JP language) + translation_request (Portuguese translation_request) are saturated with posts in Japanese. This therefore makes it harder to garden translations for non-JP languages.
I suggest at least one tag would be needed to resolve this issue; we could either go with the first suggestion or the second from below:
- translation_request_(non-japanese)
- create *_translation_request tags (i.e., italian_translation_request, chinese_translation_request)
Since the vast majority of translation requests are in Japanese, the first would be sufficient in most cases. However if there are more than one non-JP language, then the same problem would still exist. The second is most direct as there would be no ambiguity as to what needs translation, it would always be the language in question without overlap with other text in another language which may cause a false-positive.