Hello there,
I've seen a discussion thread dating from 9 months ago or so, so I guess it will be more effective to ask here directly. Is there any by now or plans to have one at some point?
Posted under General
It's hard to say for one person to another, I joined months ago but have messaged maybe twice? The best way to make a decision is to try it yourself; it probably won't cost you too many sanity points.
I will say it's definitely a power-users group that hangs out in there, though.
Even if it may seem intimidating we aren't gonna look down on you or anything (as long as you don't behave badly ofc) if you aren't a "power-user" so feel free to join if you want. Even if it isn't for you it's a great place to get help with tagging and/or technical problems that would take a much longer time on forums.
Darkagma said:
Seems the invites from the old thread have expired already. Does anybody have a link?
The link in topic #8235 and topic #14030 still works for me (https://discordapp.com/invite/8SAF59U).