I've been thinking lately it would be nice to have a chat for general Danbooru discussion. So I made one: https://discord.gg/8SAF59U. If you're bored during downbooru right now, come check it out. Also check out 0xlynn's server: topic #13923.
Fumimi Command Reference
Github: https://github.com/evazion/fumimi-discord
post #1234: Link a post. forum #1234: Link a forum post. issue #1234: Link to an issue on Github. [[tag]]: Link a wiki. /help <command>: Show help. /hi: Say hi to Fumimi! /posts <tags>: Search for posts. /iqdb <url>: Search IQDB for similar posts. /comments <tags>: List latest comments. /forum <text>: List latest forum posts. /random <tags>: Show a random post. /stats tags created by <user>: Show all tags created by a user. /stats gentags created by <user>: Show general tags created by a user. /stats arttags created by <user>: Show artist tags created by a user. /stats chartags created by <user>: Show character tags created by a user. /stats copytags created by <user>: Show copyright tags created by a user. /stats longest tags: List longest tags on Danbooru. /top uploaders in last <day|week|month>: List top uploaders over the last day/week/month.
- 2017-06-21: Added fumimi command list and updated invite link to point to #general instead of #nsfw. Oops.