post #9000000 GET!

The Problem with Prolific Uploaders

Posted under General

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nonamethanks said:

Also I'm not sure I'd still continue tagging random posts if I knew my name would end up on them without an input on my part. In fact there's plenty of posts that I certainly don't want immediately associated with my account but that I've still tagged for the sake of the archive. Would the only solution in that case be to delete my account?

In full agreement with this. Not everyone wants to be put in the spotlight for work they did behind the scenes. Can we have an option to opt out of this?

wuv_u said:

Instead of post sniping wars, now we'll just have tag sniping wars where people pretag posts, wait for them to be uploaded by another user, then tag snipe as soon as they see them posted. People will obsess over uploading revisions in order to gain an easy spotlight on their name for tagging. It'll be like upload sniping, but somehow even more unintelligent.

Ease up on the melodrama. I think you're greatly overestimating the incentive that is having your name as a footnote next to the image data. If anything, this proposal is a major disincentive for some tag gardeners who were quite satisfied with the system before there was a threat of having their name in the credits on posts that they find objectionable.

Chances are this change will have a negligible effect on tagging, if any. But supposing you turn out to be right, and contributors rush to tag new posts the moment they get uploaded, where's the harm in that? You'll see posts that are better tagged, and in less time, which is hardly a problem. And if anyone tries to game the system by stuffing posts with unnecessary tags, it will be obvious when they are doing so, and they will be subject to the usual discipline for behavior detrimental to this site.

iridescent_slime said:

Chances are this change will have a negligible effect on tagging, if any. But supposing you turn out to be right, and contributors rush to tag new posts the moment they get uploaded, where's the harm in that? You'll see posts that are better tagged, and in less time, which is hardly a problem. And if anyone tries to game the system by stuffing posts with unnecessary tags, it will be obvious when they are doing so, and they will be subject to the usual discipline for behavior detrimental to this site.

Problem is, this will make the sniping problem worse as people will just dump their pretags on pics uploaded by someone else and get the credit. Artists often post on Twitter hours or days before Pixiv rush. So a new user using 20 tags will get tag sniped by a builder who had a full day to tag a post (as it's not difficult to reach 50 tags if you're experienced and the picture has more than one character) despite being the uploader and contributing to a good amount of tags.

Or, people will start uploading more Twitter duplicates because there would be no point in waiting for the better version anymore if someone is going to take your credit immediately after rush.

This is all related to the primary problem of sniping/mintagging mind you - it's just that the proposed solutions feel more like steps backwards.

Provence said:

Akiraka8 is right.
Maybe taking scores away isn't that helpful, too. But instead of taking stuff away from users we should consider that we give stuff to users that want to contribute: Making it easier to contribute. Being more beginner friendly, rewarding good uploading behavior for "limited uploads" user better, make it more clear what you can do as a new user.

More or less my thoughts on the matter. I get that other users are feeling underappreciated, but we shouldn't be taking anything away from anyone. Prolific uploaders are not problem users who deserve to be punished; we'd definitely notice a sharp decline in content if the current ones left. Uploading is easy to get started with, but certainly not trivial, and ultimately the people who stick with us are the ones who are always going to be the ones doing it the most. We just need a better difficulty curve.

For example, referring back to the comments on post #2953054: This is the first time I've heard that the fastest uploaders were using a particular browser extension to ensure they knew about new images before anyone else. I'm not a Pixiv rush hour uploader myself, but if I wanted to be, I would find that information precisely nowhere on Danbooru itself. If we want more uploaders, we can't have secret "tricks of the trade" limited only to the uppermost of users - that creates stratification.

So my foremost suggestion would be to start expanding the wiki. We have some very basic guides for people contributing for the first time, but nothing on how to be anything more than competent. Incorporating topic #14451 would be a good starting point. (Checking it again, it seems this is, in fact, where most of the documentation on Distill is...) Allowing more grace for new users seems like a step in the right direction as well.

I agree in principle with the concept of giving greater credit to other forms of contribution (alongside the uploader), but I can see the discomfort that the sudden change would cause as well. Perhaps it would be best with the option to remain anonymous - particularly if we could make it so users could be anonymous on explicit and/or questionable posts only, since those seem to cause the most embarrassment. Maybe also add that option to uploads, in the interest of fairness.

And in the case of people "stealing" tags from inferior-quality duplicates, it would be nice to have a feature to automatically import tags from another post, including the username of the person who added them. Failing that, possibly an option to credit a different user when making a tag edit, although that's more open to abuse.

ed - I'm dumb


iridescent_slime said:

In full agreement with this. Not everyone wants to be put in the spotlight for work they did behind the scenes. Can we have an option to opt out of this?

Ease up on the melodrama. I think you're greatly overestimating the incentive that is having your name as a footnote next to the image data. If anything, this proposal is a major disincentive for some tag gardeners who were quite satisfied with the system before there was a threat of having their name in the credits on posts that they find objectionable.

Chances are this change will have a negligible effect on tagging, if any. But supposing you turn out to be right, and contributors rush to tag new posts the moment they get uploaded, where's the harm in that? You'll see posts that are better tagged, and in less time, which is hardly a problem. And if anyone tries to game the system by stuffing posts with unnecessary tags, it will be obvious when they are doing so, and they will be subject to the usual discipline for behavior detrimental to this site.

I think opting out would be a good option, as I understand also that some users don't want to be put under the spotlight for something they just want to do for the sake of doing, but there does need to be some incentive.

To be fair, by default I want to opt out of anything regarding my own contributions because I like to distance myself from the contributions I provide, so as to be as neutral as possible.

In regards to second and third point, there's absolutely nothing wrong with other users tagging a user's uploads -- this is how it should work. And users get punished for tagging unnecessary or inaccurate stuff. So I'm in full agreement with that.

I've pretty much given up trying to debate whether or not my opinions and my choices are correct because a lot of users have their own naive perception on how things should be. Because I think we elites are too far up our own asses to even consider what it's like for the newbie user that just wants to make sure this thing he's found on Twitter is nice enough to be here, without thinking too hard about shit. These users want things to stay the same because they're happy when they're the ones in the spotlight and they're the ones not interested in creating a better and more constructive site for everyone else.

Tagging on upload made optional? What a nightmare. But a lot of users already do this, that's what mintagging is. Here's the thing you have to consider about the gallery at the end of the day though. Do you want more posts that sometimes aren't tagged (and which someone will eventually get to, at least we'd hope), or do you want less posts that are always fully tagged? I will always prefer the former since that means there is work to contribute on the site rather than off it. Remember I said some things would be bad id'd before I'd even get a chance to attend to them in my backlog? Yeah. Happened to a number of artists already.

The one day a site better than this one shows up is the day this one eventually dies. I can only imagine, right now, that we're just in the middle of watching that flame flicker out.


feline_lump said:

So my foremost suggestion would be to start expanding the wiki. We have some very basic guides for people contributing for the first time, but nothing on how to be anything more than competent. Incorporating topic #14451 would be a good starting point. (Checking it again, it seems this is, in fact, where most of the documentation on Distill is...) Allowing more grace for new users seems like a step in the right direction as well.

Yes that's my guide. It kind of just fell into oblivion as it's not stickied anywhere, and I don't know if that kind of information is appropriate to be posted anywhere within the wiki.

The whole secret "tricks of the trade" thing was why I kept it private at first because I didn't want uploaders I disliked to get access to it, but I made it public because I'm not going to be here forever -- might as well make everyone else's job easier.

That said, I have a lot more ideas about how to improve uploading outside of this little debacle (creating an automated feed, even quicker scripts that update faster than Distill), but I have little to no interest in implementing them under the current situation.

EDIT: he fixed a thing

EDIT 2: Since it was brought up, I do want to say that I'm aware of that guide (or other users just sharing these tips individually) being why so many users are using Distill and the accompanying pixiv script (the one that lets you know about revisions and the like). That was the nod I made to when I said I have regrets about a number of choices I've made regarding the site. I don't know if my guide/scripts would've been better been left private, but I hate thinking about how things are right now and if doing those things only sped up this process.


nonamethanks said:

Problem is, this will make the sniping problem worse as people will just dump their pretags on pics uploaded by someone else and get the credit. Artists often post on Twitter hours or days before Pixiv rush. So a new user using 20 tags will get tag sniped by a builder who had a full day to tag a post (as it's not difficult to reach 50 tags if you're experienced and the picture has more than one character) despite being the uploader and contributing to a good amount of tags.

Or, people will start uploading more Twitter duplicates because there would be no point in waiting for the better version anymore if someone is going to take your credit immediately after rush.

The things you're describing already happen with the current system. It's an everyday occurence for someone to upload something new from Pixiv and add a few tags of their own, and later someone else parents it to the days-old Twitter duplicate and copies all the tags from the older post. In the most extreme case, we'll merely see more of the same. Maybe this is just my utter disinterest in the concept of "due credit" for simply trying to contribute, but I fail to see the problem here.

Besides, this is all a moot point if the proposed change fails to significantly alter anyone's tagging habits in the long run. Whether putting contributors' usernames on the sidebar is sufficient motivation to do a more thorough job is a purely a matter of speculation at this point.


We have nothing to lose by trying out this change. In fact, I imagine that if new users saw the work that needed to be done on the site, and saw an opportunity to finally contribute in a space that's blatantly out in front of them, then we'd see more work from them.

I've mentioned this multiple times in my own server, but most of the prolific "rockstar" uploaders propping up this thread on why it'd be a terrible idea to do x, y, or z are the ones that think that things are fine as is, and at best need some sort of alternate patch-up solution. A number of their propositions (if there were any) fail to properly address what makes it difficult for new uploaders to enter the scene, and why things are difficult as they are. I can pick them down individually if I looked through them all, but that'd be too much effort.

There is no doubt in my mind that most users that aren't uploaders don't find a problem with the presence of prolific "rockstar" uploaders themselves. Rather, it's the doctrine that what they're doing is substantially condoned because without their efforts this site would seemingly suffer a huge setback. Yet when you start uploading, this is that trend you realize -- that you never win unless you put up with "scraps", things that everyone else skips because they only want to upload the "best" content, whether that be fanservice, bikinis, or straight up porn. Either that, or you do what they do on a regular basis, perpetuating the cycle of "fuck you I got mine, now let me handle this shit."

We don't need to cater to rockstar uploaders. That's not the problem. We just need to acknowledge that uploading is trivial (because whether a high-quality post shows up 5 seconds earlier or 5 seconds later is incredibly trivial if you're a garbage mintagger fighting other garbage mintaggers), and when you set the bar that low for new users to step over, *then* you will start to attract users back.

EDIT: Again, the bulk of uploads shouldn't just be limited to like three people, two of the top three of whom are in my discord server. While I appreciate their efforts, it feels suffocating to continue doing things like this. I want to be able to find users to upload the content I have backlogged, but it's impossible to given how this community is. I'd rather shove that content in their faces and ask "tag this for me and I'll give you the credit you deserve." Let them do their work on the site rather than outside of it.

EDIT 2: I forgot to mention this in forum #141717 but I would only support having the uploader name on images that aren't yet approved in the gallery. Once a post is accepted, then that field should be removed from display. This would pin more responsibility on approvers, obviously, to see if posts actually deserve to be here, or are duplicates/samples that don't.


iridescent_slime said:

The things you're describing already happen with the current system. It's an everyday occurence for someone to upload something new from Pixiv and add a few tags of their own, and later someone else parents it to the days-old Twitter duplicate and copies all the tags from the older post. In the most extreme case, we'll merely see more of the same. Maybe this is just my utter disinterest in the concept of "due credit" for simply trying to contribute, but I fail to see the problem here.

Besides, this is all a moot point if the proposed change fails to significantly alter anyone's tagging habits in the long run. Whether putting contributors' usernames on the sidebar is sufficient motivation to do a more thorough job is a purely a matter of speculation at this point.

This des not happen because of the current system. This does happen because of Pixiv rush.
You ONLY get this during one time of the time. People pretagging from Twitter so they get easier credit for their Pixiv upload. The thing with Pixiv rush is if you are experienced enough then you get to know certain artist patterns. You learn when they start uploading to Twitter and most artists are uploading their Twitter around midnight to Pixiv. This can be learned and while it doesn't fit all artists, there is a vast majority that are doing this.
This really only applies to Pixiv rush what we are describing. Mintagging is something that mostly occurs during rush.
This change does not acknowledge people that are uploading backlogged stuff. There you can not say "But this post would have been uploaded by user A five seconds later". This does not fit there.
Instead of spreading this problem to uploads that are posted not during rush, I want to make this proposal to this change: It seems that we are going this direction despite all the pushback this idea received:

Hide the uploaders name during Pixiv rush. The rush takes around one to two hours starting with midnight in Japan.
That way we can see how well this change would performe, but stuff that is backlogged and uploaded gets still proper credit for the users.
This could be seen as a pilot project so we get to see the consequences of a rather small amount of post but during the time where most posts gets uploaded in a very short amount of time.

There is no doubt in my mind that most users that aren't uploaders don't find a problem with the presence of prolific "rockstar" uploaders themselves. Rather, it's the doctrine that what they're doing is substantially condoned because without their efforts this site would seemingly suffer a huge setback. Yet when you start uploading, this is that trend you realize -- that you never win unless you put up with "scraps", things that everyone else skips because they only want to upload the "best" content, whether that be fanservice, bikinis, or straight up porn. Either that, or you do what they do on a regular basis, perpetuating the cycle of "fuck you I got mine, now let me handle this shit."

So that what you are describing here means that the uploader isn't responsible. You are straight out saying here that rockstar uploaders are not responsible for this.
But you suggest that the true problem has something to do wit the content that is uploaded:
Those three things have one thing in common: They tend to get a high score. And of course you can only win this race with sniping and that happens mostly during rush.
So what is it: The amount of "prolific" uploaders or that fanservice, bikini and porn gets higher attention and the user uploading these wins?

I think it clearly belongs to the attention a post seemingly gets. This is the score a post has in the end but not the person who uploaded it. The uploader rarely has something to do with how users feels.

Anyway, even if it's not the score but the uploader's name that is a hindrance for new users to get engaged with the site: I think it is not good to make a drastic change from one day to the other but instead we should try to get in touch with how it would look like. These problems stated are mostly present during Pixiv rush, so I think if we are about to change the system then we should first look for maybe one month how it goes.
One month in order to see how tagging works during this time and uploads that are affected.
One month in order to see if the amount of uploads is increasing, decreasing or stagnating (apparantly it should increase)
One month in order to see if there is a slight change in the userbase, be it for tagging or for uploading. We want to attract new users during rush. Meaning that we should get a more diverse user spectrum if this succeeds during Pixiv rush.
One month in order to see how the quality of post is developing. Will we get an increase of bad posts during this time or will we get a more diverse set of images that are still having high quality.

I think those are all questions that we need to observe first if we really want to make this change happen for the future.


iridescent_slime said:

The things you're describing already happen with the current system. It's an everyday occurence for someone to upload something new from Pixiv and add a few tags of their own, and later someone else parents it to the days-old Twitter duplicate and copies all the tags from the older post. In the most extreme case, we'll merely see more of the same. Maybe this is just my utter disinterest in the concept of "due credit" for simply trying to contribute, but I fail to see the problem here.

Besides, this is all a moot point if the proposed change fails to significantly alter anyone's tagging habits in the long run. Whether putting contributors' usernames on the sidebar is sufficient motivation to do a more thorough job is a purely a matter of speculation at this point.

I meant that these changes were proposed to improve the current system, but in my opinion they'll just shift the problem to a more frustrating aspect for new users.

What will opt out the tagger do? And who should do the opt out of the tagger? Should this be done by the tagger? Or should this be a default setting?
If it should be a default setting then the name is still here. This doesn't solve the concern.
if it's done by the tagger then the name won't be shown and it highly enciurages mistagging then.

I don't see how this could even remotely work.

Provence said:

What will opt out the tagger do? And who should do the opt out of the tagger? Should this be done by the tagger? Or should this be a default setting?
If it should be a default setting then the name is still here. This doesn't solve the concern.
if it's done by the tagger then the name won't be shown and it highly enciurages mistagging then.

I don't see how this could even remotely work.

Taggers would still show up with their name in the tag history so that mistagging and tag vandalism can be detected, but the tagger can opt out of being shown as the MVT (Most Valuable Tagger). I guess the MVT field wouldn’t be shown at all in that case instead of promoting the second-best user to MVT.

The setting would be up to the tagger on a post-by-post basis, but I guess it would be nice to be able to set a default in your user settings in case someone never wants to be listed as MVT.

I’m not exactly sold on that whole MVT thing; I just wanted to try to resolve that apparent confusion.

kittey said:

Taggers would still show up with their name in the tag history so that mistagging and tag vandalism can be detected, but the tagger can opt out of being shown as the MVT (Most Valuable Tagger). I guess the MVT field wouldn’t be shown at all in that case instead of promoting the second-best user to MVT.

The setting would be up to the tagger on a post-by-post basis, but I guess it would be nice to be able to set a default in your user settings in case someone never wants to be listed as MVT.

I’m not exactly sold on that whole MVT thing; I just wanted to try to resolve that apparent confusion.

And exactly this is what I think is about to happen. This doesn't sound well thought-through if you could still see the tagger and I guess that most users doing tag gardening are interested in this. If it's now on the history page or directly next to an image.

And as a little aside, this whole idea seems also to rely on that Taggers and Translators are getting less reward than the uploaders.
I think I should argue against this:
I think the hierarchy of users getting credits are like this: Translators, then Taggers, then Uploaders.
While we need uploads to keep the site running I think most people are just happy that the image is uploaded. But they might be interested in the uploader but this is only rare. But one should still have the option to search for users. That'S what Wuv U and EB argued for on the last page.
Then you have the tags. One of Danbooru's biggest advantage over pages like is that users are respinsible to tag their uploads. The bar to get a well-tagged post is not high at all and currently every user doing more than 50 uploads each day is meeting the tagging threshold:
Of course it's only numbers, but 18 tags still mean that a post is good to find. Of course some tags are missing but like someone said above: Then others should be tagging it. That's how it should work.
The we have Translations. Translations are to be honest not neccessary to keep the site running. Posts are still getting uploaded and tagged. But here is what translating fascinates most users: This stuff is done entirely to polish the gallery. While we need posts t make this happen, tagging and translating consumes much more time and people are extremely gracious when their favorite comi gets translated. The translator's name is also never hidden, neither are the tagger name's or the uploader's name because people should be credited for their stuff.

But may I ask what your concerns about the whole MVT thing is @kittey ?

Anyway, I maybe my last words to this:
New users aren't afraid of uploading much stuff because they think it's covered by "rockstar" uploaders.
But they are scared off because it's hard to even start. The moderation process is way to harsh. The upload limit is very restrictive and doesn't reward actively good uploading behavior (one approval = one new slot) but only passively (no deletion = max. upload limit). It takes way too long to get promoted and threshold is too high. Even users with 1% deletion confidence don't get promoted.
We need to start at cleaning this mess up where contributing starts and trying to make it easier to start contributing.


Provence said:

And exactly this is what I thought is about to happen. This doesn't sound well thought-through.

If I understood it correctly, that would be exactly what users like nonamethanks and iridescent slime want in order to avoid immediate being associated with certain posts. I see no problem with that.

But may I ask what your concerns about the whole MVT thing is @kittey ?

I have nothing to add to the concerns brought forth by other users in this thread. “Not being sold on it” doesn’t mean that I’m for or against it; I just wanted to clarify that because my reply might sound like I’m in favor of it.

Also, no need to @-tag users that are obviously following a discussion, especially if they left a message just six minutes prior. I was already about to submit this message when I received the notification mail after you edited that tag in.


The bar to get a well-tagged post is not high at all and currently every user doing more than 50 uploads each day is meeting the tagging threshold:

The limit for that statistic is 50 uploads per month, unless you upload 2089 posts per day.


kittey said:

The setting would be up to the tagger on a post-by-post basis, but I guess it would be nice to be able to set a default in your user settings in case someone never wants to be listed as MVT.

Problem is that some us have edited thousands of posts. I don't even want to think about going through my 3800+ pages of tag history to remove/hide my contribution from posts that I just don't want my account to be associated with. And I'm not talking just about samples or bad anatomy posts, but also about posts that I tagged because they were at 5 gentags and I just wanted to improve the database, or because I was going through a certain tag for gardening, but that fall under anything from bestiality to yaoi, loli tentacle rape, banned content, and whatever else. I certainly don't want my name to appear directly next to pictures like that for anyone to immediately notice. I also would not want credits to go to me for posts from new, inexperienced users that I tagged to teach them how to tag better. There's countless cases where I'd want my name to not show up in the MVT slot, and the more I think about it the less I can find a way to solve it for myself if this is implemented.

nonamethanks said:

Problem is that some us have edited thousands of posts. I don't even want to think about going through my 3800+ pages of tag history to remove/hide my contribution from posts that I just don't want my account to be associated with.

Have two default settings then: one for old posts/edits where you didn’t select anything and one for new posts, which you can change before submitting your tag edit. Drawback: database bloat...

The default for old posts should obviously be “hidden”. We’re not a certain social networking site that constantly resets the privacy settings to “show everything”.

kittey said:

The limit for that statistic is 50 uploads per month, unless you upload 2089 posts per day.

Eek, wrong wording. Of course 50 uploads per month (but doesn't change my core statement to it^^).

wuv_u said:

How are we supposed to search for a post using the uploader name if the uploader name is obfuscated? Do we have to go out of our way to the first log under tag history?

I'm sorry I didn't make this clear before but mods would still have the ability to see the uploader for purposes of granting privileges and finding vandals. Maybe the information doesn't need to be completely hidden, but at a minimum it should be obscured and require a click to a secondary page to see.

Instead of post sniping wars, now we'll just have tag sniping wars where people pretag posts, wait for them to be uploaded by another user, then tag snipe as soon as they see them posted.

I agree with Mikaeri that the work of tagging is undervalued and the work of uploading is overvalued. Uploading good art is mostly a matter of following the right artists and checking the daily rankings. Identifying a new artist or character and a good set of descriptive tags is much harder work. Ideally, the uploader would do both and then nothing will change for them. Those who want to cut corners, well it's not outrageous to suggest that maybe these tag snipers actually end up doing more work than the uploader and should therefore deserve more credit.

Notes are in similar territory, although it's harder to quantify how much work is involved (literate translations or just transcribing sound effects).

There is a real danger of many people just not uploading as much (or leaving) because they can't easily get credit. But even if this results in a net loss of quality uploads, it will be better for the health of the site going forward.

albert said:

I'm sorry I didn't make this clear before but mods would still have the ability to see the uploader for purposes of granting privileges and finding vandals. Maybe the information doesn't need to be completely hidden, but at a minimum it should be obscured and require a click to a secondary page to see.

I agree with Mikaeri that the work of tagging is undervalued and the work of uploading is overvalued. Uploading good art is mostly a matter of following the right artists and checking the daily rankings. Identifying a new artist or character and a good set of descriptive tags is much harder work. Ideally, the uploader would do both and then nothing will change for them. Those who want to cut corners, well it's not outrageous to suggest that maybe these tag snipers actually end up doing more work than the uploader and should therefore deserve more credit.

Notes are in similar territory, although it's harder to quantify how much work is involved (literate translations or just transcribing sound effects).

There is a real danger of many people just not uploading as much (or leaving) because they can't easily get credit. But even if this results in a net loss of quality uploads, it will be better for the health of the site going forward.

Look at how many positive feedbacks prominent taggers, translators, and wiki page writers (people such as jjj14, moonspeaker, iridescent slime, and henmere) receive compared to the most prominent "prolific uploaders" (people such as nonamethanks, unbreakable, and provence). Tell me that uploaders get all the praise and credit after looking at the positive feedback numbers. If you can do that, you're lying to yourself.
At this point, it looks like you want uploaders to receive no feedback (negative or positive) on their posts at all. Nobody will know who's posting good stuff or bad stuff except for people with Mod+ status, and I don't see them leaving feedbacks often except for banning people.

Again, please do not follow through with any of the proposed changes. Notice the overwhelming opposition to these changes.

@albert The proposals outlined thus far seem to focus entirely on pleasing the users who desire recognition for their work. What's good for them is anathema to another subset of users who find satisfaction in tag gardening but abhor the notion of having their usernames prominently displayed alongside posts with distasteful subject matter. Will there at least be an opt-out option for contributors who don't want to be identified as a Most Valuable Updater?

albert said:

I'm sorry I didn't make this clear before but mods would still have the ability to see the uploader for purposes of granting privileges and finding vandals. Maybe the information doesn't need to be completely hidden, but at a minimum it should be obscured and require a click to a secondary page to see.

I agree with Mikaeri that the work of tagging is undervalued and the work of uploading is overvalued. Uploading good art is mostly a matter of following the right artists and checking the daily rankings. Identifying a new artist or character and a good set of descriptive tags is much harder work. Ideally, the uploader would do both and then nothing will change for them. Those who want to cut corners, well it's not outrageous to suggest that maybe these tag snipers actually end up doing more work than the uploader and should therefore deserve more credit.

Notes are in similar territory, although it's harder to quantify how much work is involved (literate translations or just transcribing sound effects).

There is a real danger of many people just not uploading as much (or leaving) because they can't easily get credit. But even if this results in a net loss of quality uploads, it will be better for the health of the site going forward.

What good is it when users don't want this recognition right next to a post? This is the biggest question that is still left unanswered.
The other big question that is left unanswered how this will draw new people to the page? If they start with the intent to upload something then this incentive is taken when their uploads are approved.

Would you at least answer the question why you don't want to loosen up the moderation process which is the biggest reasn for newcomers to eventually quit again? You have said once that the time zone is a big reason against making the "one approval = one free slot again" policy a thing. But the truth is that there are a lot of Approvers from the US and from Europe and some are from Asia. How does "time zone" still work as a reason if you have over 90 Approvers?

Anyway, people won't get the credit they want when they are uploading. I really propose to you to make this only happen during Pixiv rush in order to see how this would even work because the outlined problems are only happening during Pixiv rush: Image sniping, imsge mintagging, people tagging these mintagged post (not all, some posts are left untagged for hours).
I do actually wonder if you have ever looked at how the uploading really works in the last few monhs, and maybe I'm mistaken and it will improve, but making a drastic change like this without looking how it works during the most crucial time (Pixiv rush that takes arund 2 hours) first is really naive.

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