post #9000000 GET!

[Prototype] Wiki Link Report

Posted under General

Daily Report (2020-11-04)

Period: 2020-11-04T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-11-03T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
mr blackcatmr.blackcat666AliasR(pool 12361)
purinkopurinpurinAliasW(pool 14080)
anzu (0)anzu (peace@pieces) (29)Rename(anzu_(akatsuki_no_goei)), (akatsuki_no_goei), R(pool 1729)
werecatwerecat_(monster_girl_encyclopedia) (3)Replace(list_of_monster_girl_encyclopedia_monster_girls), (monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou_online)
wererabbitwererabbit_(monster_girl_encyclopedia) (10)Replace(list_of_monster_girl_encyclopedia_monster_girls)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


Daily Report (2020-11-27)

Period: 2020-11-27T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-11-26T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
sayorisayori (neko works)AliasRW(pool 2126), RW(pool 2768), RW(pool 2135), RW(pool 2139), RW(pool 4893), RW(pool 2526), R(pool 12483), R(pool 4069), R(pool 1320), R(pool 3991), R(pool 4063), W(pool 12792), W(pool 16203), W(pool 13592)

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


Daily Report (2020-11-29)

Period: 2020-11-29T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-11-28T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
oota jun'yazun (artist)AliasW(pool 2023), W(pool 927)
konngarakonngara (touhou)AliasW(pool 3734)
shinkishinki (touhou)AliasW(pool 1053)
sarielsariel (touhou)AliasW(pool 1563)
mimamima (touhou)AliasW(pool 2750), W(pool 2233), W(pool 1053)
megami deluxemegami magazine deluxeAlias(list_of_megami_issues), W(pool 14383), W(pool 13653), W(pool 13650), W(pool 13648)
megamimegami magazineAliasW(pool 14723), W(pool 14720), W(pool 14678), W(pool 14676), W(pool 14582), W(pool 14564), W(pool 14563), W(pool 14547), W(pool 14546), W(pool 14545), W(pool 14544), W(pool 14542), W(pool 14541), W(pool 14540), W(pool 14537), W(pool 14531), W(pool 14530), W(pool 14499), W(pool 14471), W(pool 14470), W(pool 14463), W(pool 14462), W(pool 14461), W(pool 14441), W(pool 14383), W(pool 14382), W(pool 14252), W(pool 14241), W(pool 14147), W(pool 14146), W(pool 14145), W(pool 14140), W(pool 11166), W(pool 11165)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


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