post #9000000 GET!

[Prototype] Wiki Link Report

Posted under General

Daily Report (2020-10-04)

Period: 2020-10-04T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-10-03T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
yuu-gi-ou 5d'syu-gi-oh! 5d'sAliasW(pool 6819)
yuu-gi-ouyu-gi-oh!AliasR(pool 11440), R(pool 11729), R(pool 16067), W(pool 4228)
625214684mantou_yu (22)ReplaceRW(pool 15534)
photophoto_(medium) (10214)Replace{help:upload rules}

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


Daily Report (2020-10-06)

Period: 2020-10-06T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-10-05T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
ushi (0)uccow (711)RenameRW(pool 4418), RW(pool 1938), R(pool 14926)
doom_(game)doom_(series) (269)Replace(doom (series)), (doom eternal), (doom (2016))
amoamo_(shibu3) (246)ReplaceR(pool 12346)
microN/ADelete(holding character)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


Daily Report (2020-10-14)

Period: 2020-10-14T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-10-13T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
kingdom hearts mobilekingdom heartsAlias(kingdom_hearts)
caitcait aronAliasR(pool 12980), R(pool 12228)
yu02j0shinto nijouAliasR(pool 15593), R(pool 15569)
rodney (0)rodney (melagal) (128)RenameR(pool 8611), R(pool 8612), W(pool 2913)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


Daily Report (2020-10-18)

Period: 2020-10-18T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-10-17T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
shinto nijoukandata nijouAliasR(pool 15593), R(pool 15569)
kurimomoakina tsukakoAliasRW(pool 14392), RW(pool 12600), RW(pool 11530), RW(pool 12392), RW(pool 11243), W(pool 11236), W(pool 12792), W(pool 14126), W(pool 11517)
epiccobra_(space_adventure_cobra) (3)Replace(star_wars:_the_rise_of_skywalker), (the_keep_(1983)), (ideon_gauge), (star_wars:_the_last_jedi), (rogue_one:_a_star_wars_story), (star_wars:_the_force_awakens), (dragon_breed), (odysseus), (stanley_kubrick), (2001_a_space_odyssey), (hi_no_tori_2772), (lord_of_the_rings), (dune_(movie)), (riquinni_nonderaiko), (honneamise_no_tsubasa), (choujikuu_yousai_macross), (miyanokouji_mizuho), (planetes), (star_wars), (tag group:subjective), W(pool 3020), W(pool 1277)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


Daily Report (2020-10-25)

Period: 2020-10-25T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-10-24T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
evil ryuu (0)evil ryu (43)RenameW(pool 11375)
ryuu (street fighter) (0)ryu (street fighter) (947)RenameW(pool 11375)
sw (0)sw (taco) (465)RenameRW(pool 4888), RW(pool 923), RW(pool 4899), RW(pool 11564), RW(pool 3269), R(pool 8169), R(pool 9365), R(pool 862)
dual_monitormultiple_monitors (21), multiple-monitor_wallpaper (12)Replace(tag_group:image_composition)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


Daily Report (2020-10-27)

Period: 2020-10-27T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-10-26T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
nozomi-yserizawa (serizawaroom)AliasR(pool 15141), R(pool 15140), R(pool 15138), R(pool 15133), R(pool 15128)
alyssa_(yuu-gi-ou_duel_links)alyssa_(yu-gi-oh!) (1), madison_(yu-gi-oh!) (1)Replace(list_of_yu-gi-oh!_characters)
madison_(yuu-gi-ou_duel_links)alyssa_(yu-gi-oh!) (1), madison_(yu-gi-oh!) (2)Replace(list_of_yu-gi-oh!_characters)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


Daily Report (2020-10-30)

Period: 2020-10-30T00:00:00.000Z - 2020-10-29T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
son gokuuson gokuAliasW(pool 11375)
diving_mask_on_eyesson_goku (1)Replace(mask)
jaeger_(yuu-gi-ou_5d's)yeager_(yu-gi-oh!) (2)Replace(list_of_yu-gi-oh!_characters)
revolver_(yuu-gi-ou_vrains)revolver_(yu-gi-oh!) (2)Replace(list_of_yu-gi-oh!_characters)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


1 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 47