
Appeal to revoke deletion.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

The image in question:

was deleted from Danbooru for allegedly not being "approved for three days", this is a judgement that I want to revoke considering that an image drawn by the same artist, and being a monochrome "circle cut", and preceeding the deleted image in a sequence depicting the female getting naked, was in the end approved.

Not only this, but the image was not by any means terribly drawn. The physique of the character had been drawn with great detail and in the same kind of suggestive poses that multiple patrons of danbooru enjoy. Furthemore, before the deletion, I am certain that the vote rank was around 20 showing that there was great interest on the picture itself. It is for this reason that I appeal to any moderators to consider the "deletion" a slip of oversight, the deletion rescinded, and the image reinstated into Danbooru's library.

Updated by jxh2154

Undeleted. The score of that post is 2, which is one tenth of what you said it was, but whatever (I doubt 18 people downvoted it AFTER it was deleted). Next time link to the post - the people with the ability to undelete posts also have the ability to see deleted posts, so there's no need to link us to the original.

jxh2154 said:
forum #9703 for these requests. Also helps to link to the post in question, otherwise we can't easily find it to revive it if we decide to.

Ok. Thanks for the notice. I'll make sure to head there next time I appeal, for today saw post 354122 un-deleted. Thanks to whomever did it.

Anyone, feel free to delete/lock this thread.

Melkior said: Ok. Thanks for the notice. I'll make sure to head there next time I appeal, for today saw post 354122 un-deleted. Thanks to whomever did it.

Just as a note, you can include direct links to images with the IDs by doing "post #354122"