post #9000000 GET!

Auto-deletion appeal?

Posted under General

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Is there any way at all I can make an appeal to have certain art images brought back from the auto-deletion grave?

There are some that justly deserve being passed on, but then there are others that seem to me that they look amazing, or at the very least acceptable compared to other pieces that have gained admittance on here in the past.

For reference, ones that I feel might warrant a return are below:

Updated by jxh2154

In general, a thread like this seems like a pretty good idea. Despite our efforts there might be gems that slip through the cracks every now and then. I recommend not flooding this topic however as that will increase the likelihood that I (at least) will ignore it.

As for your specific images, the first and last image doesn't look like danbooru quality to me, but I do like the other ones.

EDIT: Kaworu, I can't see that image, it seems it was deleted before the undeletion system was in place.

surasshu said:
EDIT: Kaworu, I can't see that image, it seems it was deleted before the undeletion system was in place.

Yes that is correct, you can still view it from the link in the source field. I guess that the hash has to be resetted before older posts like this one can be brought back?

surasshu said:
In general, a thread like this seems like a pretty good idea. Despite our efforts there might be gems that slip through the cracks every now and then. I recommend not flooding this topic however as that will increase the likelihood that I (at least) will ignore it.

As for your specific images, the first and last image doesn't look like danbooru quality to me, but I do like the other ones.

EDIT: Kaworu, I can't see that image, it seems it was deleted before the undeletion system was in place.

So you would suggest in some cases gathering a bunch of auto-deleted images that you think might be worthy of undeletion, then posting a brand new thread and requesting a mod/admin peruse them for reconsideration?

I personally feel the first one is beautiful in an artsy way, but the mods and admins have the final say, so as long as they get a good look at the image, I typically accept the judgment and leave it be.

And thanks for responding to my thread.

Kaworu said:
Yes that is correct, you can still view it from the link in the source field. I guess that the hash has to be resetted before older posts like this one can be brought back?

Ah, let me check--

I guess that image looks okay, though I'm not particularly thrilled to see Ranma acting like a girl in it. ;D I'll delete the hash so you can upload it again, do you need to save the translation somewhere?

I would suggest just bumping this thread when you get a batch of deleted images you want to appeal.

albert said:
Janitors should be able to undelete also.

You should only create a new thread if this one is on page 3 or lower.

I will bear all of this in mind for the future, it means a lot to me that you guys are open to hearing me out on such things. There have been times that I wondered about some deletions.

I know I'm not very prestigious when it comes to what I post, but I'd be interested in going through/reviewing/screening the deletamatid pikatures under my submission. Is there a way to get a list of them? Only way there seems to be ATM is if a deleted pic is specifically linked.

This thread is really interesting. And I think is a good idea to give a second look to autodeleted pics. For example, I started to upload the 3d images of the same set of post #64990 wich IMO is quite good. But then those were deleted because of the (in)famous "Unapproved in three days".
Now, I don't know if it was because of some "guideline" or "rule" with 3d stuff (which I don't think so. New 3d stuff has been approved. post #306448) or just because no one saw them.
I think that the approval or the lack of it, should be done in a diferent way. I mean, I don't know exactly how approval is done but maybe a diferent approach can, at least, give to the user the idea of "we saw your post, we didn't like it, and this or this is why it wasn't approved".
I was thinking, maybe a by-vote among mods and janitors in the same 3-day period. And in case nobody votes, delete not only the pic but also the MD5, so you can upload it again.

The fact that it wasn't approved is the vote against it. I for one do not approve 3d art like that.

There's just way too much in the mod queue for us to sit around casting votes on every single image. But when I check the queue, I do look down the whole list.

There's just way too much in the mod queue for us to sit around casting votes on every single image.

That's not what I meant to say. You don't need nothing like:
-"hey LaC! what do you think about this pic"
-"mmm. I dont know. I don't like the color, lets see what Shurassu thinks about it"

You, for example:
what do you do when you see a pic that you personally don't approve? Do you put a mark on it? or you just skip that image waiting to see if somebody else approve it or the 3-day period expires?

My idea is somewhat similar to the score on each image (which I don't know what it is for). There are like 10 mods, 6 votes down = deletion, 6 votes up = approved, or something like 3 votes down and 1 vote up in a three day period = deletion. Something like that.

But when I check the queue, I do look down the whole list.

And I really appreciate your effort. But like I said before: I don't know exactly how approval is done. And somehow is kind of frustrating see the frase "Unapproved in three days" because I get the feeling that it is the time what has deleted my post and not the mods.

Very seldom is it the case that a mod/janitor or two...or more...have seen the pic. Because the system is based on taste any number of mods/janitors may have passed over it without liking it, but everyone has different tastes.

For example: the thread starter posted about 4 separate Terra pics. Personally, I didn't really like 3 of them at all, and one of them was soso.

Any case, that being said, my computer just recently recovered from a nasty week-long virus (the thing just wouldn't die...) so that's another janitor on the case at least. I also keep up to date with the queue to make sure there's nothing missed, I'm sure most of the mods/janitors do.

Basically, tl;dr, just "test the waters" with pics. Instead of flooding a full cg set or the same series/character, try to mix it up a bit. Post the best stuff first and see how well it's received. They're all being checked on.

Elfenus said:
what do you do when you see a pic that you personally don't approve? [...] you just skip that image waiting to see if somebody else approve it or the 3-day period expires?

That's basically how it works. Unless the image is really so terrible that one mod feels he can decide that it's unworthy of being on danbooru, we tend to either approve or skip. This way multiple mods and janitors get the chance to check it out. Basically, approving is considered "easier" than deleting.

Elfenus said:
And somehow is kind of frustrating see the frase "Unapproved in three days" because I get the feeling that it is the time what has deleted my post and not the mods.

I understand your frustration, but I'm not sure what can be done. When we didn't have that system in there, there were cases where one mod would delete stuff that another mod would've approved. Also stuff hung around in the queue for weeks cause nobody felt strongly enough about it to delete it, but also didn't want to approve it.

There may be an even better way though. One thing I thought about is that an additional day in the queue could be instated where the unapproved-after-3-days images are displayed as "due for deletion", and a mod or janitor can add a reason to it at that point. Or perhaps we could have a field in the mod queue where we fill in our thought in a couple of words if we don't approve the image for other mods/janitors to read, and that reason could be used as the deletion reason if it doesn't get approved.

The mod queue is already kinda long and it can be a pain to work through it though, so making it even more extra work might not be a good idea.


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