post #9000000 GET!

Approvals confusion...

Posted under General

Okay, so I'm a bit lost here. A long while ago, I talked with a site admin about how to get approval permissions. The longer short of it, you need to have been on here long enough, you need to have a certain number of uploads, and you need to have a low percentage of rejected uploads.

I didn't meet that last bit, but overall it came off as fair and reasonable. Then today, I discover an approver who *hasn't* been on here as long, has ZERO uploads, and overall VERY little activity in general. He's an ordinary member with no inviters, yet he's able to approve posts.

For the record, I won't be naming him unless I'm asked by site staff - and only in a PM. But, the gist of this thread is...have the requirements changed in like the last year?

MikeTheV said:

...have the requirements changed in like the last year?

Yes, in topic #11837

albert said:

I will start aggressively recruiting new approvers. Every month 3-5 users with good uploads or favorites will be selected and gain the approval flag. After a month their approvals will be reviewed and they'll either keep or lose their approval right.

fossilnix said:

Yes, in topic #11837

Yeah...about that. That's *when * I contacted albert about it - like a month after he made that post. To see if I qualified. Even with his "aggressive campaign", I didn't.

Yet the guy I'm talking about, frankly...he basically hasn't done shit whatsoever and has the perk.

MikeTheV said:

Yeah...about that. That's *when * I contacted albert about it - like a month after he made that post. To see if I qualified. Even with his "aggressive campaign", I didn't.

Yet the guy I'm talking about, frankly...he basically hasn't done shit whatsoever and has the perk.

What's his user name? My guess is he is not doing as bad a job as you suggest. If you have a bad ratio just work on being more discerning. There are many things you can do to help around here, approval permission is not a crowning accomplishment.

In the interests of transparency, here is the full list of past and current approvers. There are indeed about 10 Member-level approvers who seem to have been chosen based on their favorites. Which I don't understand at all, but okay.

Presented without further comment:

Current Approvers
1user #1albertAdmin2007-09-10834613186210666true
2user #1309jxh2154Admin2007-09-1012588147071078true
3user #13392NWF_RenimAdmin2007-10-218841663116803true
4user #337059Type-kunAdmin2010-11-096229524true
5user #85307Hillside_MooseAdmin2008-06-14743409613445true
6user #1002ShinjidudeModerator2007-09-102633052543630true
7user #11672EBModerator2007-10-041318975743829true
8user #140phaneModerator2007-09-10517616477245true
9user #14662ShadowbladeEdgeModerator2007-11-0151572486279true
10user #19599ApollyonModerator2007-12-234415230707418true
11user #22memento_moriModerator2007-09-10439612254417true
12user #318380SaladofstonesModerator2010-02-2827727121915073true
13user #332700OOZ662Moderator2010-09-11100067215511true
14user #348377BlueFoxModerator2011-04-1047595647115338true
15user #351692dean_exiaModerator2011-05-122195714241604true
16user #356497ToksModerator2011-06-2925211286169true
17user #360629WypatroszonyModerator2011-08-27320826881909true
18user #9509LogModerator2007-09-10261851074143true
19user #102116ArantheusJanitor2009-01-1723581714786true
20user #102486alicemaiwaifuJanitor2009-01-2475379017245true
21user #104143TheodoricBloodJanitor2009-02-213797102653473true
22user #12SoSDJanitor2007-09-10738130514824true
23user #1200nil!Janitor2007-09-102923123944true
24user #13793Not_One_Of_UsJanitor2007-10-25162762838130849true
25user #14239bigrichJanitor2007-10-2889943059670true
26user #14417ePlusJanitor2007-10-3096021923997true
27user #15754Evangeline_A.K._McDowellJanitor2007-11-11872028422147true
28user #175923BibsJanitor2009-08-2112216752792true
29user #18622BloodletterJanitor2007-12-089710236271131true
30user #192105buehbuehJanitor2009-09-0959521175478true
31user #23580EphyonJanitor2007-12-3053498129017true
32user #255692Himegami_AkaneJanitor2009-11-306075106581998true
33user #330014zaregotoJanitor2010-08-063673103122235true
34user #366578DakuTreeJanitor2011-12-0534016767390true
35user #40414haku-desuJanitor2008-02-01589222575019true
36user #435442MieneJanitor2014-05-0648986840true
37user #51538RiderFanJanitor2008-02-2111636228734158true
38user #53693ultimaJanitor2008-02-252035246142true
39user #59923kyoh_Janitor2008-03-256327147679080true
40user #62191v571866Janitor2008-05-06220781365037267true
41user #63502eidolonJanitor2008-05-061146292613226true
42user #69681zigzagJanitor2008-05-1450017137920182true
43user #75952cnmanxJanitor2008-05-25245781020872true
44user #9716the_redstar_swlJanitor2007-09-102148752712true
45user #9860FeKaJanitor2007-09-12874264983275true
46user #99285TieriaJanitor2008-11-25135117333882true
47user #201502D'EyeBuilder2009-09-21823722103false
48user #313336MagicalAsparagusBuilder2010-02-183072025582068true
49user #385510T!ramisuBuilder2012-09-18233117318239true
50user #460797user_460797Builder2015-06-267025127120true
51user #316295Basil27Platinum2010-02-2148614217false
52user #424928CheremPlatinum2013-12-09180017937false
53user #70248PhoenixGGold2008-05-1567442312049false
54user #333727^Nakoruru^Member2010-09-2530401922false
55user #368050wareyaMember2011-12-279108192false
56user #433399MetalliaMember2014-04-07603849false
57user #436280kurohannaMember2014-05-22250482false
58user #448459CaptainLoonyMember2014-12-1210761223627false
59user #71386CephalusMember2008-05-163301556false
Former Approvers (Alumni)
1user #10Franz_EinfalschBuilder2007-09-104212397799true
2user #10084uncreativeBuilder2007-09-163423185true
3user #101780PechapaiLoliBuilder2009-01-11330752450true
4user #10223roastbeefyBuilder2007-09-1774389390true
5user #10355homeless_homoBuilder2007-09-197265775299true
6user #104965cleartailcatBuilder2009-03-09363736306true
7user #106261CoconutBuilder2009-03-305051479571true
8user #10676QuessBuilder2007-09-221071927411249true
9user #10705MezzoDragonBuilder2007-09-222563219true
10user #11CthulukaBuilder2007-09-102686198017723true
11user #11041user_11041Builder2007-09-262113250true
12user #110626ElevenBuilder2009-06-0719242071680true
13user #12397BloodtyrantBuilder2007-10-137391463true
14user #12464AlteredBuilder2007-10-13215855281true
15user #126shipixivBuilder2007-09-1047626045true
16user #12679harshdarkBuilder2007-10-163239537true
17user #13038IchiMashiPotatosBuilder2007-10-1915408379189true
18user #13144miragioBuilder2007-10-201382719true
19user #13506RaisingKBuilder2007-10-228331253866true
20user #135880freefunctorBuilder2009-07-10515471906true
21user #14955fuzzycatBuilder2007-11-0353388956true
22user #15003BakaHoushiBuilder2007-11-04336255682true
23user #15425BanshoBuilder2007-11-0741414173901true
24user #158201ParaciteBuilder2009-08-041482438false
25user #15833darkshipBuilder2007-11-1110031399723true
26user #15864MagusBuilder2007-11-11283886319903true
27user #18149neoki3Builder2007-12-02161596914103true
28user #18247jiraiyaBuilder2007-12-03153110101075true
29user #23205r0d3n7zBuilder2007-12-3011811813true
30user #24998roffleBuilder2008-01-02417715865true
31user #27222StorminNormanBuilder2008-01-085925217816755true
32user #28220SoljashyBuilder2008-01-101359572true
33user #288549rantuyetmaiBuilder2010-01-14940375039true
34user #29361repoman184Builder2008-01-124407164110true
35user #29689user_29689Builder2008-01-1232970true
36user #29709MugiMugiBuilder2008-01-121100154true
37user #30333TecloBuilder2008-01-1334517443856true
38user #30466Mysterio006Builder2008-01-142137461232true
39user #340531glahglahglahBuilder2010-12-281202570148true
40user #35636GarudaBuilder2008-01-238255951166true
41user #36716reeseBuilder2008-01-2513546570true
42user #418493LionPride88Builder2013-09-2219210913552true
43user #44748KayakoBuilder2008-02-0916342151true
44user #45515user_45515Builder2008-02-1048920true
45user #4780610halfBuilder2008-02-1441872636true
46user #52664evazionBuilder2008-02-23216326612931true
47user #53985S1ethBuilder2008-02-25423511true
48user #59648JigsyBuilder2008-03-18163992369true
49user #60134DschingisKhanBuilder2008-03-2941446198true
50user #60288glasnostBuilder2008-04-1889611126true
51user #60989ElfenusBuilder2008-05-0331573229true
52user #63184RisaMadaraBuilder2008-05-06120217324true
53user #7624LaCBuilder2007-09-1071784308true
54user #77217abcadeffBuilder2008-05-2811549476true
55user #8093Mug-GBuilder2007-09-10100667334320true
56user #89939908749Builder2008-06-2311571166true
57user #9448DancougarBuilder2007-09-10116202448true
58user #9490WAHa_06x36Builder2007-09-101258306true
59user #95414HerrmobelBuilder2008-08-253202594811true
60user #95487HSBuilder2007-09-1085818977true
61user #9560EnactBuilder2007-09-10187161028088true
62user #9644ttfnBuilder2007-09-10229896071true
63user #9675EruruBuilder2007-09-101166294true
64user #9685piespyBuilder2007-09-106945139true
65user #97011GranolaBuilder2008-10-055043221105true
66user #97639chuck_teslaBuilder2008-10-20818713088true
67user #9792HenduluinBuilder2007-09-11174310true
68user #98579LalacaBuilder2008-11-097010775true
69user #12866スラッシュPlatinum2007-10-1773176893969false
70user #20020PoringSmasherPlatinum2007-12-2419431271702false
71user #20119SnessoPlatinum2007-12-2452292246612183false
72user #338440xCCBA696Platinum2008-01-20516608119false
73user #615葉月Platinum2007-09-10789312634401false
74user #9473thatdogPlatinum2007-09-103718280215false
75user #9521KeliraTelianPlatinum2007-09-108444994842false
76user #9567cheesePlatinum2007-09-1013691610false
77user #101844BapabooieeGold2009-01-1212502674false
78user #103540EldGold2009-02-111088108343false
79user #107672igotchaGold2009-04-214802047false
80user #11418ChunGold2007-09-3085121391false
81user #115940bored_manGold2009-06-2679259556663false
82user #134SeemGold2007-09-101053456914101false
83user #15177ntouffeGold2007-11-052108920000false
84user #16AevrusGold2007-09-1011601393false
85user #21712mintycakeGold2007-12-26521719857false
86user #287254user_287254Gold2010-01-122476523380false
87user #320054Joe_SchulzGold2010-03-261010false
88user #38674KaiterraGold2008-01-29121false
89user #9c0rtanaGold2007-09-103871988234false
90user #9477DislandGold2007-09-105688132false
91user #102191Mr_GTMember2009-01-1951046700495false
92user #111167killerstickzMember2009-06-154504203false
93user #114871KaitoDiesMember2009-06-25297295515false
94user #139207goldenslaughtererMember2009-07-131103673false
95user #17716Moebius_StripMember2007-11-282313656954false
96user #452622KentorianMember2015-02-17223900false
97user #458024modnationMember2015-05-131810000false
98user #463417saigo1596Member2015-08-0410139false
99user #98478user_98478Member2008-11-076052620false

(The above table only includes people who approved at least one post. People who had approval powers but never approved anything are not included. user #99680 is one such user.)

BrokenEagle98 said:

On a slightly related topic, what's with all of the Janitors...? Help:users claims that it's an obsolete level, yet they're still around. Does it even do anything anymore, or is it just a form of E-status...?

I think they just ditched their permissions, right?

MikeTheV said:

Yup, guy I was talking about is in that list.

Soo...we gonna get an admin or someone in here to illuminate on what's going on? :/

I'm pretty sure approver selection is an automated process which runs monthly. This part of code seems responsible for it.

Requirements, reworded for human comprehension:

  • must have logged in within last week
  • existed for at least 6 month
  • at least 400 uploads OR favorites
  • can't approve posts yet

10 people are selected randomly from the list of matching users, then the following restriction is applied for each of them:

  • 400 uploads is selected randomly
  • 400 favorites is selected randomly
  • selected posts are combined into one big set, and post scores are analyzed
  • 50th percentile of the analyzed scores (aka median score) must fall between 3 and 10.

There's no guarantee that even one user will match on any given month, since all 10 selected in the first part can fail the second test.

Well that's illuminating...

What about the off-chance that the 50th percentile is above 10? I remember checking the average upload scores from the preceding month at one time, and certain users were way up into the teens...

BrokenEagle98 said:

Well that's illuminating...

What about the off-chance that the 50th percentile is above 10? I remember checking the average upload scores from the preceding month at one time, and certain users were way up into the teens...

That's mostly because of the ama mitsuki bandwagon, where each of his multi-view kancolle shots get an average of 70 score.

BrokenEagle98 said:

Well that's illuminating...

What about the off-chance that the 50th percentile is above 10? I remember checking the average upload scores from the preceding month at one time, and certain users were way up into the teens...

Not selected as well. New approvers were recruited with the intention of filtering borderline art, on the premise that we have enough people to approve obviously good (10+ score) stuff.

Type-kun said:

I'm pretty sure approver selection is an automated process which runs monthly. This part of code seems responsible for it.

Requirements, reworded for human comprehension:

  • must have logged in within last week
  • existed for at least 6 month
  • at least 400 uploads OR favorites
  • can't approve posts yet

10 people are selected randomly from the list of matching users, then the following restriction is applied for each of them:

  • 400 uploads is selected randomly
  • 400 favorites is selected randomly
  • selected posts are combined into one big set, and post scores are analyzed
  • 50th percentile of the analyzed scores (aka median score) must fall between 3 and 10.

There's no guarantee that even one user will match on any given month, since all 10 selected in the first part can fail the second test.

Okay, that's *absolute nonsense*. That's literally a lottery that can be given to a person who doesn't even care for it. If that ends up being the case, it doesn't even move down the list - it just starts the process all over again.

MikeTheV said:

Okay, that's *absolute nonsense*. That's literally a lottery that can be given to a person who doesn't even care for it. If that ends up being the case, it doesn't even move down the list - it just starts the process all over again.

It does move, though. Invitation is sent only once, and the person is free to refuse.

Type-kun said:

It does move, though. Invitation is sent only once, and the person is free to refuse.

Still doesn't really seem fair to people who've been around a while, and have been contributing for a while.

CodeKyuubi said:

Might you be trying to refer to yourself?

Maybe lol. Though it's obvious I'm not the only one.

Let me put this into layman's terms for you: They wrote an algorithm that judges people based on their likes, which ultimately determines what gets approved and not. How far removed is that from Terry Gilliam's vision of the future?

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