post #9000000 GET!

Pokemon Copyright

Posted under Tags

Don't know if there is a policy about tagging the copyright when it comes to Pokémon Games.

So the way I'd suggest is (and I've tagged it this way for now):
Tag it with the game the Pokémon first appeared in.
That happens right now with the new Pokémon that will be appearing the first time in Pokémon SM.
I.e. every Rowlet pic should get tagged with pokemon_sm
Every pic where Pikachu is appearing should get tagged with pokemon_rgby since it first appeared in those editions.

Good question. The way I've been tagging is if a physical pokemon or a pokemon element (pokeball etc) appears to tag with pokemon and if the post references a specific game to tag that game. I think it's a bit superfluous to tag a post with pokemon_rgby just because pikachu appears in it, if there's no other reference. For example, I wouldn't tag post #2477933 with pokemon_rgby just because moltres is in it, as the property being referenced is clearly pokemon go and there's no other link to RGBY.

Well, but isn't a Pokémon a reference to the game itself, too? I mean Pokémon is a really big franchise and when I think of Moltres, I instantly think of the Kanto legendary and immediately connect Gen 1 with it and that is Pokemon RGBY. I mean, there is a huge dispute going on that Gen 1 and 2 were the best and Ruby/Sapphire and everything after them were bad :P.
So with a search like this, it would be much easier to search for Pokémon appearing in one Gen.
Gen 1 = RGBY (Bulbasaur-Mewtu)
Gen 2 = GSC (Chikorita-Celebi)
Gen 3 = RSE (Treecko-Deoxys)
Gen 4 = DPPT (Turtwig-Arceus)
Gen 5 = BW(2) (Vicini-Genesect)
Gen 6 = XY (Chespin-Volcanion)
Gen 7 = SM (Bauz-???)
(I don't want to take into account the remakes, because they should only be used if specifically referenced to because they don't introduce completely new Pokémon, i.e Fire Red and Leaf Green shouldn't be tagged the same way as RBGY)

And even Bulbagarden has the Pokémon seperated in generationsémon_by_National_Pokédex_number

Maybe it would be better to tag by Generation rather than game? Popular pokemon (like pikachu or eevee) appear in virtually every game, and that way we could more easily separate game specific characters, locations or elements. For example post #2470747 could be tagged with pokemon_rgby because of Red, Gen_1 because of pikachu, charizard and snorlax and Gen_2 because of espeon. Is that overkill? It just feels kinda weird to me to add a game-specific tag when there's only a pokemon appearing, especially if it's a crossover (e.g. post #2481029, post #2404361).

Link to request

I've created a draft bulk update because I think we will be needing one in some form eventually. I haven't created the corresponding wiki pages yet because I think that the tag names are still up for debate. Pokemon up to Gen VI are included (ie. excluding Sun & Moon).

Related to Sun & Moon, I presume that Alolan form Pokemon have the same generation as their normal counterparts?


Do we need to specifically tag each pokemon by its generation? That'll make tagging large numbers of pokemon a nightmare if the picture crosses generations. Do we really need to know that Arceus was a Gen IV pokemon to tag it, or would you be swear searching for it by its horns and it's grey colouring or the fact it's four legged? Tag the game it came started with, by all means - people will more likely look for it by its game (pokemon_dp), unless they're the type to worry about its IV/EV.... and those folk aren't likely to be searching Danbooru too often.

This might be a bit late but I want to recommend that, if needed, the pokemon_gameinitials tags should be used for images with human characters from that game/generation preferably without crossovers. Like, for example, the lass_(pokemon) has multiple appearances throughout the games, the tags could help users find the specific lass they want.

Other than that, I disagree with using the game tags for individual pokemon species because of the confusion that will surely rise. Don't forget there are mega_pokemon of, say, pokemon_rse mons that technically debuted in pokemon_xy as a result.



If you were searching for pokemon of a specific version I believe you would not want to see those with later appearances, suggesting characters should be exclusively introduced in that gen. Also character like Pikachu is almost synonymous with the franchise so I think tagging the copyright would not be a good idea.

Perhaps the standard should be if more than one pokemon are depicted and all are introduced in a given iteration, then that iteration's copyright should be tagged. Also if an artist is depicting a pokemon because they are new and to showcase them, then I think the generation copyright should be used regardless of the number of characters.

The alias should be the missed search as it is, as the other assumes that users actually use the autocomplete function (which is obviously not the case since the top 10 missed searches continue to be the top 10 missed searches for as long as I can remember, e.g. fate,, nami, miku, etc).

So I edited the alias request to be the following instead:

create alias wicke (0) -> vicke_(pokemon) (70)

Feel free to change it back though if anyone else feels otherwise...

A question to the Pokémon anime. If Satoshi is in the picture, it can't be the pokemon_(game) tag, right?
In post #2502995 I was downvoted for explaining that. It's not obviously Satoshi but Boris' other posts (post #2502038 and post #2496085) make it sure.

I would understand it without these posts but they are here. So there is no point in denying it must have a reference to the anime. Since people seem to disagree I would like to hear your opinion. Thanks.

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