Right now, we have one single promotion report page on Dabooru:
User Promotions
As you can see, there are only users visible who are uploading images. That means this report is more or less for users who could get the "Unlimited Upload" permission since it features the amount of uploads and the deletion/negative score rate of their uploads.
But in my eyes, "Promotion" is more than just being promoted to Contributor because of uploads. There is also the Builder level status. Those users do most likely great translation work on Dabooru.
The thing is, that there is no promotion report for other contributions as uploading pictures.
As far as I know, there are multiple categories:
1. Note Changes (Translation)
2. Artist Commentary Changes (Adding and/or Translation)
3. Artist Changes (Database clean-up)
4. Wiki Page Changes (Database clean-up)
5. Post Changes (Tag gardening)
6. Pool Chabges (Tag/Post Gardening)
So the idea is to create a user report page for every of those categories. If I missed one: Sorry^^'.
In some kind of ranking for a specific amount of time (year, months, weeks. For example
User 1: 5666 Note Changes in 1 month
User 2: 5123 Note Changes in 1 month
Since this should help to promote users to Builder level, these lists should only provide informations about users who are lower than Builder status. Or create two seperate lists, like we have for Contributors already. The other list for users who are uploading but are not Contributors is above.
So...any opnion to this^^?