
Self-uploading artist policy discussion

Posted under General

albert said:

Frankly, if an artist uploads their image to a community site like this, they're just asking for criticism. If they get it they can't act surprised. If you don't want the threat of negative criticism then don't upload it here.

Good point. We could word the warning as this. "It is strongly discouraged that you upload your own artwork here. However, if you do so, expect criticism and don't expect it to be approved immediately."

In that case can we do something about pre-emptively jumping down users throats the instant they self-upload? Like let it go through the mod-queue first and then tell them if they start getting upset from it failing the queue?

I'm not saying don't criticize the work at all, but that we should actually critique it instead of fixating on the fact that it's a self-upload.

I agree with Gollgagh.

However, not being an artist myself, and thus not being bound by their sworn oath of utter honesty of course, is it too much to ask of people that they create a non-linked email & account to upload their own work without being incriminated ?

Seems like Internet 101.

To clarify my position, I'm not asking for penalties for self-uploaded posts; they will be judged as normal in the queue. What I would do is neg anyone who self-uploads and ban if they continue. Yes, there will be loopholes where someone self-uploads under a completely different alias, but they're not the problem. It's people that use the same name or similar names as their artist handle that are usually egotistical and bring drama and shitposts.

Even when it's plainly obvious that an artist is uploading their own work, I'm willing to overlook that as long as they fill out the source field and create an artist entry, just as other uploaders are expected to do. If they can't manage to do that much, they should expect to receive a DMail and possibly a user record if it becomes a habit.

iridescent_slime said:

Even when it's plainly obvious that an artist is uploading their own work, I'm willing to overlook that as long as they fill out the source field and create an artist entry, just as other uploaders are expected to do. If they can't manage to do that much, they should expect to receive a DMail and possibly a user record if it becomes a habit.

I can agree. From self-uploads I've seen some of the biggest examples of lack of knowledge or corncern for this site basic practices and howto:everything. So, maybe if those artists could take a second to learn how to even tag, that would be great.

I've written dmails to some self-uploaders. At least to those with honest intentions (read: those who don't upload their creppy obsessively-drawn low-quality porn) and I was about to leave a comment on some post but I found the new ToS in time.
Honestly, it will take some time for me to quit the habit of pouncing at self-uploads.

issue #2598 is fixed (if not deployed yet). That means including a link to specific part of wiki is technically possible now. How should it be worded? Would "Think twice before uploading your own art" suffice? English is not exactly my strong point, so I'm not sure whether it sounds natural and has enough impact to make people look at it. Also, I'd like some opinions about where exactly it should be placed to not annoy other uploaders too much.


Why not place it below...

Before uploading, please read the how to upload guide.

...and above...

You should be using Danbooru's official upload bookmarklet to upload!

As far as wordage goes...

"For self-uploads, you should read this site's specific policy guidance first"

... or something like that...

There's still an opportunity to include links to sites (DeviantArt, Tumblr, etc.) where uploading your own artwork would be more appropriate, as Jarlath suggested in forum #115537. Those links should be placed in the aforementioned spot. Potential excuses need to be cut down.


The fix is deployed. Anchors are not allowed in usual double-square-brackets notation, but wiki sections can be linked like this: /wiki_pages/show_or_new?title=howto:upload#self-upload - check it out

Links to other appropriate sites seem to exist in the wiki already.

Any other suggestions for how to word the warning, or should I go with BrokenEagle98's suggestion?

I'd go with BrokenEagles suggestion, but with a little change in word
As for structure....
"Before uploading, please read the how to upload guide.
If you plan to upload your own art, you should read this site's specific policy guidance first

You should be using Danbooru's official upload bookmarklet to upload! It makes uploading more convenient and does several things for you automatically such as fixing incorrect sources and optionally copying the artist's commentary."

Or something like this^^. So it is still on top of the upload page.

It should also incorporate what Apollyon said, so:

Before uploading, please read the how to upload guide.
If you plan to upload your own art, you should read this site's specific policy guidance first.
More suitable sites to uploading your own artwork include DeviantArt, Tumblr, Twitter, Pixiv, etc.

You should be using Danbooru's official upload bookmarklet to upload! It makes uploading more convenient and does several things for you automatically such as fixing incorrect sources and optionally copying the artist's commentary.

chodorov said:

I don't know if this has been brought up before but it seems at least one popular artist had his start here uploading his own very poor at the time art.

user #98564

Note that his first two uploads were deleted, and he hasn't uploaded here in over six years. I don't see a conflict between this and suggesting they upload elsewhere first (and giving links to those sites).

Jarlath said:

Note that his first two uploads were deleted, and he hasn't uploaded here in over six years. I don't see a conflict between this and suggesting they upload elsewhere first (and giving links to those sites).

I fully agree with that policy, I was only noting he seems to be that artist.

Claverhouse said:

I dunno; if every site insisted the art had been first posted somewhere else I foresee a dreary paradox.

How so? Most the sites we source from contain content almost exclusively upload by the author (Pixiv, DeviantArt, etc.). It's simply not true every site would require content be posted elsewhere the be included on them. Applying the rule of universality to this seems... rather ridiculous actually.

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