iridescent_slime said:
Even when it's plainly obvious that an artist is uploading their own work, I'm willing to overlook that as long as they fill out the source field and create an artist entry, just as other uploaders are expected to do. If they can't manage to do that much, they should expect to receive a DMail and possibly a user record if it becomes a habit.
I can agree. From self-uploads I've seen some of the biggest examples of lack of knowledge or corncern for this site basic practices and howto:everything. So, maybe if those artists could take a second to learn how to even tag, that would be great.
I've written dmails to some self-uploaders. At least to those with honest intentions (read: those who don't upload their creppy obsessively-drawn low-quality porn) and I was about to leave a comment on some post but I found the new ToS in time.
Honestly, it will take some time for me to quit the habit of pouncing at self-uploads.