
Discussion about "lazy" tagging and usage of tagme (Formerly: Reducing tagme postings)

Posted under General

Well, hello there.
Since I've been working with other users (by name zeparoh and iridescent slime) to reduce the amount of tagme postings.
It's been working quite well (we went down from 53k to about 46k in less then a month), but it's really quite a load of work and there are always coming some new posts each day.
The goal is to reach 0 posts after some time and as I'd like to speed up that process (it will never sty at 0 because there will alwys be new ones.
I'd appreciate any help in achieving this goal.


At what number of tags should you remove the tagme? There've definitely been pictures which I've fleshed out but were far from comprehensive in which I've left the tagme there for better taggers to see.

The real problem isn't posts with tagme, it's the ones that don't have it but are massively undertagged. I've been sporadically tagging old posts and noticing a lot of posts with less than 5 tags without tagme on them.

However, it's easy enough to find them using tagcount: or gentags:

Hoobajoob said:

The real problem isn't posts with tagme, it's the ones that don't have it but are massively undertagged. I've been sporadically tagging old posts and noticing a lot of posts with less than 5 tags without tagme on them.

However, it's easy enough to find them using tagcount: or gentags:

That absolut trueand I totally agree with you. But since we have a tag that speaks to us "tag me" it should be a goal to reduce this tag because it shouldn't be there in such an high amount^^.

Benit149 said:

I tried tackling the tagme posts myself, particularly the old ones, but with the number of new ones being added overwhelming the ones I did, I gave up. But knowing that you guys are working on it, I'll try to get back into it.

Yes, this is really exhausting after some pictures but in any case thanks for the help^^.

I always thought felt the whole point of tagme was for instances in which you know there's something left untagged in an image but can't recall how to tag it and there isn't a more specific tag than tagme (like food request or weapon request). But now that we have a forum topic for that very purpose, I'm not sure that this tag is necessary anymore.

Anyway, in my experience, the great majority of uploads could benefit from additional tagging whether they're tagged tagme or not. So long as more posts are getting a proper dose of tag gardening, does it matter if they were originally tagme? I do what I can to cull the tag as I come across it, but I don't go seeking it out either. Other posts need love too.

iridescent_slime said:

But now that we have a forum topic for that very purpose, I'm not sure that this tag is necessary anymore.

I use it when going through the older posts while I'm adding specific clusters of tags to posts and I see undertagged posts that I'm not able to fully tag at that moment. Typically huge collages that only have a handful tags when they should have dozens. I add whatever tag group I'm focusing on and throw in a tagme to call attention to it.

Hoobajoob said:

I use it when going through the older posts while I'm adding specific clusters of tags to posts and I see undertagged posts that I'm not able to fully tag at that moment. Typically huge collages that only have a handful tags when they should have dozens. I add whatever tag group I'm focusing on and throw in a tagme to call attention to it.

Makes sense. My problem when populating individual tags is the compulsion to exhaustively tag everything else in each image so I don't have to come back to it later. I'm not sure I could ever bring myself to start tagging something and not finish it, but I completely understand wanting to focus on a narrow selection of tags.

Hoobajoob said:

I use it when going through the older posts while I'm adding specific clusters of tags to posts and I see undertagged posts that I'm not able to fully tag at that moment.

That's exactly how it's supposed to be used, kind of like a "tag request" in the same vein as "translation request' or "source request." Unfortunately it gets abused like post relationships versus pools; some people just always use it instead of going to the effort of learning what proper tags to use.

Elfaleon said:

Since this was posted, I think we've reduced the number of posts with tagme on them by about 3,800.

Hmm, yeah.
It's a bit over 4k since we also get new ones each day.
But to be more specific:
-The last 8 months have been cleaned up (i.e. the last 500.000 postings)
-The whole section "over 10 years" is done
-The reducing process started at 53k postings; now it's at 42,5k postings (11k in one month)
In any case thanks for the help until now^^.

But I have to say something to Hoobajob's post:
At first I agreed with him but I don't think I can totally agree with him anymore. The reason is: There isn't one real problem. Both cases are a problem even though tagme-postings can be tagged good but this can't be a reason in my eyes. It shouldn't matter if a post is good or bad tagged: If there is a tagme posting we know there is something missing and if there's not but ithas few tags we know it too. So it's practically no difference between those two cases^^.

And there are also deleted posts....I started to tag them with the haircolor, eyecolor and facial expressions (:o, :d et cetera) and if they have enough tags I just remove it.

So the counter is now around 15k and iridescent slime stated a problem that isn't tagme but the low tag count of posts. So if I now search with tagme and gentags:<6 I get a counter about 530 pages (tagme has 770).
So...I'd tag them definitely to the end but help is much appreciated^^.

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