
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Blank_User said:

I'm guessing it's because the sundress is slightly revealing. We're supposed to be extra careful with child characters when determining ratings (which affects whether we can use child).

Generally speaking, child solo posts should be rated G. If there's any sexual element that would raise the rating to S or higher (like revealing clothes or pantyshots), then it should not be tagged with child. This does not necessarily mean it should be tagged with loli, though. Those posts are nowhere near suggestive enough to qualify.

You are correct, however, about how flat chest should not be used on characters tagged with child.

Thanks. So should i add/remove either of the tags back?

Blank_User said:

I think you should ask blindVigil first. You can also post it in the Ratings check thread (topic #8495) if you want to get other users' opinions on the rating.

The posts were already rated S, so I removed child and readded flat chest, for the reasons you outlined in your previous comment. I didn't feel strongly that the rating should be changed, so I tagged it by its rating at the time.

MellowMarshmallow said:

Should have
suffering_builds_character_(meme) replaced with i_meet_someone_we_talk_they_leave_(meme)? They use the same format of arrows in a circle with text, and given that so far only one of each has been approved I’m not sure if suffering_builds_character is noteworthy enough for its own tag.

I made the tag instinctually because I saw a handful of the exact same format around that time on Twitter.

but I think both 2 images with those tags should just manually get a new meme tag called "Endless Cycle (meme)". and both suggest they're part of "Endless Cycle" memes. I went ahead and did that.