Is there a tag for the kind of punch Aya is throwing?
Backhand. Poorly populated tag though, and also includes other forms of backhand punches (and slaps).
Tvtropes calls it the "offhand backhand" for that specific casual ("no need to look") kind of backhand punch/slap hitting another person behind oneself.
on post #4697383, do i tag Ran's frilly "collar" (that thing near her neck) thingy as frilled_collar?, or that's a different thing? post #4697343, how do i tag Yukari's frilly thingy?
post #4713487 what's the name of the headgear? is she holding_sword? is there a specific name for the leather thighhighs? what's the name of the "armor" near the neck?
post #4713475 is he wearing leather armor or I'm just seeing things?
Sorry that i asked a lot, not used to fantasy clothing
post #4726432 Is this 1girl or 2girl? is that multicolored hair/shirt? Heterochromia? Cosplay?
Difficult. I wonder if we have a tag for pictures like this, this or similar concepts aren't rare.
I would tag 1girl because they are presented as one human shape. I wouldn't tag cosplay because that's not what art is supposed to depict and it doesn't look like one of them cosplaying as the other. I'd probably leave out the multicolor tags and tag everything as if they were separate.