post #9000000 GET!

Post Ban Request Thread

Posted under General

Yeah, I looked into that user (user #369129). They've been a member for almost five years (since 2012-01-13), 2 years after the first artwork from shin'en (gyokuro company) was uploaded to this site. Then they've even made edits on 07-09-2015. They also made their first comment about banned material on 06-28-2015.

Of course, unless I'm wrong, it takes more than just claiming to be the artist to become a banned artist. I think it's also required to contact albert using the e-mail under contacts, and then provide some way of proving that they are the artists of those works.

See disclaimer:english for more info... (there's also a disclaimer:japanese BTW...)

Updated by Unbreakable

BrokenEagle98 said:

Of course, unless I'm wrong, it takes more than just claiming to be the artist to become a banned artist. I think it's also required to contact albert using the e-mail under contacts, and then provide some way of proving that they are the artists of those works.

In the comment he specifically asked to delete all of his pics with Yamato in it.

That gesture made me think that it's not the reposting, but rather how users keep talking about him cheating his wife in the comments that finally made him snap off.

Updated by Unbreakable

Seika said:

That gesture made me think that it's not the reposting, but rather how users keep talking about him cheating his wife in the comments that finally made him snap off.

Would have been nice if he just clarified that instead of demanding that the work be taken down.

Updated by Unbreakable

Shinen appears to have flagged an image. Are they complaining about Tapnek's comment or about the posting of their artwork on Db? The flag itself is in good english, but their reply is in pure japanese. User also appears to want a total ban of their works.

Said image: post #2526708

Updated by Unbreakable

In my experience it's a grey area. Whether you should post it here or not is up to your morals while "standing policy" is to ban artists when they themselves specifically contact admins for it.

In operation it's often better to explain the site's mechanics in a friendly request for permission from the artist beforehand as the kneejerk reaction of seeing their work on the site is to just have us ban it and walk away.

Updated by Unbreakable

I would say no. You could flag anything saying it was "commissioned" by you. I think just as anything, only a request from the artist should be accepted. If someone's patronage led to the creation of an artwork, that does not transfer the copyright to them. Without an indication that the ownership has changed we should assume the artist retains it.

It's also posted on one of the artists accounts, not the commissioners. It would be very different from say if they commissioned the piece, posted it on their own account and explicitly said not to repost it.

Updated by Unbreakable

Well first of all, you shouldn't flag an image to request a ban, you should post the request here. The flag popup explains this.

Secondly, as far as I understand it artists retain copyright over their work unless they explicitly transfer ownership to the commissioner as part of the deal. I'd say it's still the artist's decision.

Updated by Unbreakable

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