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Post Ban Request Thread

Posted under General

caps7 said:

That's not what this forum is for. Those images will be or are already deleted anyway.

I understand your reasoning. What I was requesting was to enforce and make absolutely sure AI-centric posters will never have any contributions here again. Perhaps to an excessive degree, I must admit.

RaymooDev said:

I understand your reasoning. What I was requesting was to enforce and make absolutely sure AI-centric posters will never have any contributions here again. Perhaps to an excessive degree, I must admit.

If you're talking about users who knowingly upload AI, most quit after their upload slots get tanked from manual deletions, and the ones who don't will typically end up getting banned if they continue to spam the site with AI uploads.

As for preemptively marking AI artists as banned artists, that's not only not how banned artists work, it's also unfeasible in the (very slim) chance that an AI artist starts making legitimate art up to danbooru standards. There are also cases of once-legitimate artists who switched to doing AI generations exclusively with the advent of that technology. Tarte (hodarake) is a particularly notorious example - should his entire gallery, including valid pieces of art, be removed because he decided to quit actually drawing at some point?

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