
Tag alias: trap <-> otokonoko

Posted under Tags

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Diabolicwave said:

The reason that trap couldn't be used was because of physical trappings like pitfall or mines

Well if you see a picture of mine and still think that is a human, then it's confusing.
But I think that's a rare occasion.

Now when you see a young character tagged with "otoko no ko" then it implies it's just a boy like 99% of the cases.

Diabolicwave said:

The reason that trap couldn't be used was because of physical trappings like pitfall or mines

Plenty of tags have that layer of ambiguity -- collar, heart, keyboard. So what? That's why we have a wiki to clarify.

Using Japanese terms makes the site less accessible and usable, and should be avoided if an adequate English term exists. Trap is near universally understood among Danbooru's demographic.

As has been pointed out, people who know some Japanese will be initially confused by the otokonoko tag (I was), and those who don't will have to check the wiki anyway. Nobody wins. The PC angle is ridiculous.

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