
Image resizing with notes

Posted under General

Two things:

1. Some images like post #139384 are larger than my browser can display on the screen at once, but the "Resize image" option doesn't appear. Checking the "automatically resize large images" box in my profile resizes the image, however.

2. Sightless's translation notes on that image appear in all the wrong spots if i have the "resize image" box checked. I can't see them correctly unless I go to my profile and change it, due to issue 1.

Is there a way to take care of this so that notes appear correctly regardless of user settings?


wanchan said: On the subject.. the notes are opaque in Internet Explorer so you cannot see what is underneath without hiding them. I don't know if this has always been the case as I normally visit in Firefox.

I use firefox but a friend on IE (who just converted to ff actually) said there weren't even any trans notes at all on IE6, I think, so I guess this is a step up =P

Log said:
anything with a translation note will not resize, due to issue 2.

Ah, that makes sense. The image is still resized if the box in your profile is checked though, and the disabled resizing makes it impossible to fix without going to your profile and unchecking the box.

This is kind of inconvenient for me, since I have auto-resize enabled and I do translations. If I added a note to an image without realizing that it was automatically scaled down, it would show up incorrectly for others.