
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

7HS said:

kitsune neko (koneko)

Is there anywhere this artist's name is written 'kitsune neko' in kana? Otherwise I think it's just 'koneko' and should be moved to that (or koneko_(koneko-m) or something.)

I can't find it being written as "kitsune neko" anywhere. The artist seems to use koneko consistently, in like 3-4 different places. The person who came up with that romanization probably has Google-translate-itis.

I would go with koneko_(nonnkimono) since using the Stickam username for the qualifier is less redundant than using koneko-m, though either qualifier works.

Saduharta said:

post #1679322

Have the name on the profile as 大阪花之呼, which isn't translating clearly for me using traditional methods. If anyone has a good artist name, help would be appreciated.

My guess would be that it's supposed to be read osaka_hana_no_yobi (ordinarily 大阪花の呼び).

Borrator said:

also has me completely lost

aaand lastly also proved tricky

daochang and benghuai respectively.