
Tag discussion: wink

Posted under Tags

It seems there are some users who think that the wink wiki entry should be updated according to the discussion in the comment section of post #1617965 (explicit). By doing a search of "wince -wink" and looking at the results, it does seem that users have not been tagging many wince images with wink as well even when the character does close one of their eyes. My current thoughts on the issue are pretty much summed up in my comments on the linked post.

I could've sworn wince implicated wink. I may have made some improper edits not realizing it didn't.
Doing a search trying to find the discussion of it I could've also sworn I saw, I've come to agree that not all winces are winks. I am in favor of tagging all images with one eye closed with wink, though.

I thought wince was implicated to wink as well. Im pretty sure it was at one point. I don't see why it would of been changed. As far as I know any time someone momentarily closes one eye for whatever reason it's considered a wink. Whether it's a tell a joke a wince or you have something in your eye.

Edit: Ah I see. Didn't think of both eyes being closed in a wince.

Thömas said:

It seems there are some users who think that the wink wiki entry should be updated according to the discussion in the comment section of post #1617965 (explicit). By doing a search of "wince -wink" and looking at the results, it does seem that users have not been tagging many wince images with wink as well even when the character does close one of their eyes. My current thoughts on the issue are pretty much summed up in my comments on the linked post.

wink has pretty much become a general term for when a character has one eye closed.

I think one eye closed or something along those lines is more intuitive.

Saladofstones said:

wink has pretty much become a general term for when a character has one eye closed.

I think one eye closed or something along those lines is more intuitive.

Yeah that's what I was thinking too. I don't think it counts as "winking" when it's not voluntary.

A cleanup won't undo the habits of the masses. Either you alias both tags or do nothing at all. Not this half-assed solution where one tag gets changed because "mood" while the other one (which is also dependent on "mood") is left alone.

The whole point is to make people understand the tag better. The question is if a "wink" implies a connotation behind the action or not, and it's an argument that keeps happening. Changing the tag to something direct removes that ambiguity. There's no reason to be so hardhanded about either killing them both or leaving people unsure about the usage of both. Besides, there are a variety of tags people use improperly or else tag gardeners would have nothing to do. I still have to camp out on nail for people who mean fingernails or toenails because nails got aliased to nail.

It doesn't have to, but some people do see wink with the connotation of sultriness or playfulness and the tag gets misused (or rather, not used when it should be along with wince in its current state) or they argue that the tag doesn't fit with said connotation and should be changed to include it. Or, another person will see it without the connotation to begin with and will argue contrary.
The "why" and "how" of the word having that meaning attached to it are secondary questions on psychology, aren't they? Whereas there isn't anything to discuss with one_eye_closed because the answer is binary; is one eye closed or not? Let another tag whose purpose is to define the situation (smile, naughty_face, injury, etc) give the reason for the eye being closed.

Eh, I think wink does the job fine, and it's pretty convenient to have both tags start with "win" meaning they'll always be next to each other in the tag list, so I don't have to look all over the place for missing tags.

S1eth said:

Eh, I think wink does the job fine, and it's pretty convenient to have both tags start with "win" meaning they'll always be next to each other in the tag list, so I don't have to look all over the place for missing tags.

We don't name tags inaccurately just so their alphabetical order is more convenient. It's way more important that people actually know how to use the tag at a glance.

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