Well there is a very useful feature in this site where one can filter particular tag combos and see them only when he/she wants. I wonder if there is a way so that I can hide images rated explicit by default and see them only if I wanted?
Posted under Bugs & Features
lang said:
Well there is a very useful feature in this site where one can filter particular tag combos and see them only when he/she wants. I wonder if there is a way so that I can hide images rated explicit by default and see them only if I wanted?
Unless you want to blacklist it or go the SafeBooru route (SafeBooru automatically locks out anything rated Q and E), rating:s.
Either visit http://safebooru.donmai.us or go edit your user settings and add "-rating:s" to a line in your blacklist.
Think you mean "-rating:e", Toks. Don't worry, I've made that typo before. (EDIT: Ignore that. Kinda distracted when I said that.)
Also, lang, you can find more useful search tricks on help:cheatsheet.
No, he meant "-rating:s". In the blacklist, you are specifying what you don't want to see. Adding "-rating:s" means "hide everything that is not rated Safe". It's a kind of double negative, so it's easy to get wrong.
Edit: If OP still wants to see Questionable images, which seems to be the case, then adding "rating:e", without the minus sign, would be the right thing to do.
Gotta say I love the minus tags. They remind me of the ! when working with booleans in programming. (Sorry about the offtopic.)
Could this be stickied? It seems like a lot of people have been asking stuff like this lately. Proves people really look at this site "for the articles".
Flopsy said:
No, he meant "-rating:s". In the blacklist, you are specifying what you don't want to see. Adding "-rating:s" means "hide everything that is not rated Safe". It's a kind of double negative, so it's easy to get wrong.
Yeah, my bad. I was kinda distracted when I posted that; posting while distracted is never a good idea.
budoka_azathoth said:
Could this be stickied? It seems like a lot of people have been asking stuff like this lately. Proves people really look at this site "for the articles".
I believe most of this is mentioned in various help pages on the wiki, but I suppose we could use a page that gives a quick, basic overview of such things.
Flopsy said:
Edit: If OP still wants to see Questionable images, which seems to be the case, then adding "rating:e", without the minus sign, would be the right thing to do.
For some reason I thought OP wanted to hide questionable posts too, but on second reading, yeah, "rating:e" would be appear to be correct.
Also note that using Safebooru might not be ideal here either, since it does hide quesitonable posts along with explicit posts.
Alanis_the_Evoker said:
I believe most of this is mentioned in various help pages on the wiki,
Blacklists are explained on the wiki, but I don't believe Safebooru is mentioned anywhere.