
Comment deletion request (Artist commentary)

Posted under General

If you move these translations to the new field, and then the original comment is deleted, wouldn't it sort of look like you're taking credit for their translation? There wouldn't be a way of knowing who the person who originally made the translation was.

Not an issue in cases where the translator themselves moves the translation to this field though.

I'll delete the originals but not the translations. As for posts whose original post is gone there's no reason for someone to make up an artist commentary so verification is really not that big an issue.

Toks said:

If you move these translations to the new field, and then the original comment is deleted, wouldn't it sort of look like you're taking credit for their translation? There wouldn't be a way of knowing who the person who originally made the translation was.

Not an issue in cases where the translator themselves moves the translation to this field though.

Should I not copy others' translations into the new field, then? Just my original commentary comments?

Toks said:

If you move these translations to the new field, and then the original comment is deleted, wouldn't it sort of look like you're taking credit for their translation? There wouldn't be a way of knowing who the person who originally made the translation was.

Not an issue in cases where the translator themselves moves the translation to this field though.

I can do my own if I find time

Maybe we can credit the original translator at least at the bottom of the "Translated" version, like a "translation thanks" or something. I don't know if this will keep a link/relation to the translators' profile though. I personally like reading through my past work via my profile as review for Japanese. Also if our translated commentary comments are deleted, wouldn't that mean we can no longer search commentary translations via search: commenter:______ + commentary?

I'd be happy to do this on my own posts that have artist commentary (all ONE of them, hah!), except I have no idea how. Thus I humbly submit post #1542740 and/or humbly request to know if there is a help page regarding this (probably) new feature that I don't know about yet. (_ _)

Learning is fun! :D

genshou said:

I'd be happy to do this on my own posts that have artist commentary (all ONE of them, hah!), except I have no idea how. Thus I humbly submit post #1542740 and/or humbly request to know if there is a help page regarding this (probably) new feature that I don't know about yet. (_ _)

Learning is fun! :D

Done. For the record just click the "Add artist commentary" on the left hand side toolbar under "Options". It's pretty much self-explanatory after that.

Miragu said:

Maybe we can credit the original translator at least at the bottom of the "Translated" version, like a "translation thanks" or something.

If you want to see who edited the commentary for a post, you can go to History > Commentary in the sidebar. Any edits are recorded there with the updater's name, so all contributors would be credited.

Only problem is that if someone besides the translator copies it there the copier would be credited instead, as I mentioned earlier.

Miragu said:

I personally like reading through my past work via my profile as review for Japanese.

I'll add a link to user profiles that shows their commentary changes.

Miragu said:

Also if our translated commentary comments are deleted, wouldn't that mean we can no longer search commentary translations via search: commenter:______ + commentary?

commenter:<name> won't work once the comment is deleted, but instead you can use artcomm:<name>, like so: commentary artcomm:Miragu

Ironbottom said:

Done. For the record just click the "Add artist commentary" on the left hand side toolbar under "Options". It's pretty much self-explanatory after that.

Yeah, I saw that randomly while browsing recent additions. Sneaky feature insertion indeed. :o

I know the system's already implemented, but it would be neat if we could assign translation credit to another person somehow when adding commentary. For obvious reasons, it'd be best restricted to janitors, builders, and perhaps the image's uploader.

budoka_azathoth said:

I've translated some commentary in pool #1754. When translating, I tend to comment something about the picture along with posting the artists comments. How should those compound comments be handled? Edited to only contain my comment?

Artist commentary and its translation go in the new special field. Your personal thoughts goes inside its own comment.

Toks said:

commenter:<name> won't work once the comment is deleted, but instead you can use artcomm:<name>, like so: commentary artcomm:Miragu

I'm looking at post #1537980. It seems that someone else already posted my commentary translation in, but searching commentary artcomm:Miragu doesn't ring that post. What do I do? Do I resubmit the commentary?

It would be problematic if one could just claim commentary translations by copy/pasting and resubmitting another's work.

Miragu said:

I'm looking at post #1537980. It seems that someone else already posted my commentary translation in, but searching commentary artcomm:Miragu doesn't ring that post. What do I do? Do I resubmit the commentary?

It would be problematic if one could just claim commentary translations by copy/pasting and resubmitting another's work.

Open the commentary, type a space at the end, then submit it. This gets you credit for it and commentary artcomm:Miragu will work. Basically everyone who edits a commentary gets equal credits for it. There's no difference between a "submitter" and an "editor" (the difference might exist in the database but it's not currently visible outside).

Ironbottom said:

Artist commentary and its translation go in the new special field. Your personal thoughts goes inside its own comment.

Yeah, I got that. But what do I do with the older ones from before this feature? The already-existing comments with both artist commentary and my thoughts.

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