I realize that you must have been working on the site today, Albert. Various things were disabled, and when I tried to upload something with danbooruup, I'd get an error (503 I think) and no Danbooru pages would load for a few minutes.
Just now everything started working again (voting, favorites, etc) so I tried the uploader again and it still killed the site for a minute, at least for me. This is with the newest version. I tried to downgrade to the previous one, and it didn't kill the site but it didn't upload right either.
Obviously I'm going to hold off using it any more and continue with the bookmarklet for the moment, but is the issue something you're aware of? Thanks.
I changed the way the resizer works which may be causing some weird crashes. I've set up a monitor process to make sure Danbooru isn't down for more than five minutes so hopefully that will keep the site running until I can figure out exactly what's going on.
There's also the matter of more people uploading stuff which can block the site sometimes. If the problem persists, it may be time to upgrade servers.
Oh, while we're at it, I haven't been able to invite since last night, I guess it is. Just tried to invite someone but after I pick them from the dropdown and click invite, the page reloads and they still seem to be 'member' level.
jxh2154 said: Oh, while we're at it, I haven't been able to invite since last night, I guess it is. Just tried to invite someone but after I pick them from the dropdown and click invite, the page reloads and they still seem to be 'member' level.
Hmm. The number of invites doesn't change and the name still doesn't appear. Is it back like old invites, and they have to accept first before anything shows up? (If it helps, I'm trying to invite Flush)
albert said: The process keep dying on some percentage of uploads. I've added some logging to help track down the problem.
Hmm, so it is or isn't specifically related to danbooruup? I uploaded one a little while ago and it worked. But I just tried again and got the same error (something about a proxy server and whatever) and then Danbooru 503'd for a few minutes afterwards again.
Once it came back, I tried the bookmarklet (twice just now) and it was fine.
Edit: here's what the error said, paraphrased since it's long and a bunch of code and stuff.
"502 Proxy Error. The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request. Error reading from the remote server." and it mentions the api/add_post thing.
I have no idea if that information is at all needed =P
Oh right, there was that change wasn't there? Weird that it worked with the old URLs until now, unless the switchover was more recent than I thought. I'll see how that goes...
Woops, it just happened again, and I found a silly bug in the extension. It shouldn't crash anymore but I'm still figuring out what's causing the image load to fail.
albert said: Woops, it just happened again, and I found a silly bug in the extension. It shouldn't crash anymore but I'm still figuring out what's causing the image load to fail.
Heh, yeah it crashed again. Trying one more time!
Uh, by the way, when I do this, am I crashing Danbooru for everyone? (well I or anyone else)