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non-work-safe/explicit picture showing up

Posted under General

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Am I wrong? Isn't it true that you need privelaged account to view something rated explicit? I was at work and I ran into here when I click on the wrong link in my favorites... I was not log in, but it seems the explicit AND really non-work-safe ads show up. Has the explicit rule been changed?

Updated by Fred1515

With the earlier days of Danbooru's rebirth as a possible exception, you were never prevented from seeing images based on the rating. But being blocked from a rating means that while the thumbnail still loads, it won't be displayed.

Do you have a blacklist for that?
Safe rating is rating:s
Questionable rating is rating:q
Explicit rating is rating:e

Put one of those rating tags in your blacklist, and it'll hide images with that rating. Just beware that some people don't rate images appropriately. On top of explicit images being rated as safe, there are safe images rated explicit. Not to mention images of both calibers being rated as Questionable.

I'm not sure if tag blacklisting will work in your favorites, though. It might be assumed that you trust every image that you mark like that. Click responsibly.

BadKitty said:
Why do I need to pay for a privileged account here to view stuff I can see at Gelbooru and other image site for free?

Because that's the way it is in Danbooru. You can use Gelbooru and other image sites if you don't like it.

Can someone lock this thread before we have one of these discussions again?