
Tag Alias: cardigan_vest -> cardigan

Posted under General

Searching cardigan vest currently only turns up three relevant results out of 28 (one of the relevant results being the deleted one). Also, a cardigan vest is more specifically a kind of sweater_vest (I'm not sure if it has been decided whether that should implicate vest or not). Rolling it into that tag would make it even more difficult to find cardigan vests as there's still only a small number of relevant results. Some are due to bad tagging (like cardigan being used for outfits that aren't open-fronted), but there are plenty of cases of different characters wearing different outfits (smile_precure!'s Nao and Yayoi results in several examples of that) or wearing one over the other.

EB said:

Some are due to bad tagging

Yeah, I can see that now. I'm in the guilty party here, as I wasn't educated on the difference between cardigans and sweaters. At the very least, cardigan_vest needs to be cleaned up. Whether to alias it to cardigan based on its intent or sweater_vest/vest based on its usage, or keeping it for the few legitimate cases is something for discussion.

It would require a considerable effort to clean up all four tags. One question, though: does it count as a cardigan or sweater if it's a button-up and also buttoned? Is its status as a cardigan variable to the point that a cardigan can become a sweater just by closing it? If the ability to open is what makes it a cardigan, rather than the state of being open, a lot of the cardigan_vest entries are legitimate, as well as a few sweater_vest entries that need to be converted (parent:1450566, post #1444739).