
Speech bubble aliases and implications

Posted under General

Aliasing word_bubble -> speech_bubble
Reason: Same thing.

Aliasing blank_word_bubble -> blank_speech_bubble
Aliasing empty_speech_bubble -> blank_speech_bubble
Aliasing empty_word_bubble -> blank_speech_bubble
Reason: Same thing. The only one without any posts is empty_word_bubble, but I figure it doesn't hurt.

Implicating blank_speech_bubble -> speech_bubble
Implicating shared_speech_bubble -> speech_bubble
Implicating shared_thought_bubble -> thought_bubble
Reason: Subset.

Updated by jxh2154

create alias word_bubble -> speech_bubble
create alias blank_word_bubble -> blank_speech_bubble
create alias empty_speech_bubble -> blank_speech_bubble
create alias empty_word_bubble -> blank_speech_bubble
create implication blank_speech_bubble -> speech_bubble
create implication shared_speech_bubble -> speech_bubble
create implication shared_thought_bubble -> thought_bubble

jxh2154 said:

create alias blank_word_bubble -> blank_speech_bubble

This one doesn't seem to have worked. It might be because there's another tag aliased to it, so this might help:

remove alias blank_word_balloon -> blank_word_bubble
create alias blank_word_bubble -> blank_speech_bubble
create alias blank_word_balloon -> blank_speech_bubble