post #9000000 GET!

Transport/equipment tag discussion: Character or General?

Posted under General

Some of the tank tags that show up in girls_und_panzer images have been entered as general tags, and many are character tags. It seems off to me, and there's no discussion in the forums about it. Maybe it was covered in a broader context?


Based on that I checked some other named vehicles and weapons, and found the same is true for them; there are character tags and general tags, with no real consistency.

Tags starting with 'f-*' (mostly fighter aircraft)
Tags starting with 'ak-*' (mostly assault rifles)
Tags starting with 'boeing*' (mostly commercial aircraft)
... and a random military vehicle, the Schwimmwagen.

Updated by Xeanox

I'll see if I can narrow them down by branching off the implied tags (i.e. tank, airplane, gun, etc.) then tackle the rogues individually. The number of tags isn't as intimidating as the number of associated posts. In any case, I don't see a cleaner way unless some generous code wizard can script these things into compliance. That'd be a bit over my head unfortunately.

Not sure if this was intentional or not, but a handful of Devices from Lyrical Nanoha seem to have been caught up in the edit.

The few from the list of weapons now seem to be general tags, while lesser-tagged Devices such as Schwertkreuz and Cross Mirage (Or technically even Reinforce Zwei and Agito ), just to name a couple, remain characters.

I believe the issue of how to tag them has come up in the past, but I'd still say they count as characters.

gladwort said:

As thanks, here's a loli Schwimmwagen: post #723854

Heck yeah.

Xeano94 said:

Not sure if this was intentional or not, but a handful of Devices from Lyrical Nanoha seem to have been caught up in the edit.

The few from the list of weapons now seem to be general tags, while lesser-tagged Devices such as Schwertkreuz and Cross Mirage (Or technically even Reinforce Zwei and Agito ), just to name a couple, remain characters.

I believe the issue of how to tag them has come up in the past, but I'd still say they count as characters.

ghostrigger said:

something related (somewhat lengthy and heated), topic #5598

I don't know anything about Nanoha, so I don't know whether they should really count as characters or not. I checked some of those named weapon tags before my script ran, and they all looked like inanimate objects, but looking at ghostrigger's thread, it seems there are some occasions where they talk. So I reverted these to character tags (I assume it's all of them?):


Moving this from dmail to here for open discussion:

Hey, wondering if you might have some info on a tag anomaly. I noticed a while ago that all the chartags under kantai_collection had been reverted to gentags suddenly with no prior discussion in the forums and nothing on the wiki.

Did I miss something? Was there any discussion, or did it just -happen-?

I doubt it's a bug, if that's what you mean.

There hasn't been any discussion on kantai_collection chartags specifically, I believe.

However, it's been decided that tags for ships, planes, etc, should be general tags, not character tags. One recent discussion: topic #9408. So tags like shimakaze_(destroyer) are supposed to be general, since it usually refers to a ship, not a character.

Although that usually refers to one-shot original personifications like post #1158330. Since the kantai_collection characters don't seem to be limited to a single image, maybe they should get separate green tags (eg. shimakaze_(kantai_collection))?

I was erring more towards the effects of an overzealous tagger rather than a bug, but this makes sense.

I would personally differentiate between shimakaze_(kantai_collection) and shimakaze_(destroyer) and likewise to the others, with the latter only tagged if the ship or components of the ship exist in the post (post #1449598, post #1441267).

As it currently stands, only one form of differentiation between the kantai_collection characters exists, which can easily be polluted by unrelated posts like post #968985, post #479819, post #813049, post #935124, etc, which are works/anthromorphizations of the same ships but under different copyrights. With the emerging and (no pun) explosive popularity of this copyright, it feels like best practice to set up the distinction early, not just to keep unrelated posts out of kantai_collection character searches, but also to minimize the number of kantai_collection results appearing in the more generic search terms.

picnic said:

I was erring more towards the effects of an overzealous tagger rather than a bug, but this makes sense.

I would personally differentiate between shimakaze_(kantai_collection) and shimakaze_(destroyer) and likewise to the others, with the latter only tagged if the ship or components of the ship exist in the post (post #1449598, post #1441267).

As it currently stands, only one form of differentiation between the kantai_collection characters exists, which can easily be polluted by unrelated posts like post #968985, post #479819, post #813049, post #935124, etc, which are works/anthromorphizations of the same ships but under different copyrights. With the emerging and (no pun) explosive popularity of this copyright, it feels like best practice to set up the distinction early, not just to keep unrelated posts out of kantai_collection character searches, but also to minimize the number of kantai_collection results appearing in the more generic search terms.

I went ahead and gave them all character tags because they should have had them as soon as we realized they were unique designs from a copyright. At the start we thought they were original personifications and just sort of let inertia carry our tagging from there.

I don't know if people still want to tag them with the ship general tags in addition to that or just mention those in the character tag wikis or what, but all of the tags in use are listed on the kantai_collection wiki now, so it should be easy enough to implement whatever is decided.