
Tage Alias: Snot_bubble > Nose_bubble

Posted under General

Serlo said:

  • No one calls it a nose bubble

I wouldn't be so sure about that, as nose_bubble has 280 posts while snot_bubble has none. +1 for alias snot_bubble -> nose_bubble.

Reewee said:

Even Nose_lantern as it is defined on pixiv wiki would be applicable.

"Nose lantern" seems to be (the literal translation of) a solely Japanese term, and not used in English at all, so I'm not sure that this alias would be appropriate.

(Also, if you're going to cite the Pixiv encyclopedia, you may want to link to it for other's reference: 鼻ちょうちん .)


I swear it used to be called snot_bubble, and this is another reason to put links to the wiki pages of your suggestions, especially now that albert stopped letting you get to wiki pages just by typing in the address bar.

Edit: I- What? Triple post?