post #9000000 GET!

remove implication: single_elbow_glove -> single_glove

Posted under General

Sometimes a post can be tagged with "single_elbow_glove", but that does not always imply the "single_glove" also. For example on one arm the character could be wearing a single elbow glove but on the other arm they could have a glove that is not an elbow glove. Thus the character would be wearing two gloves and the tag "single_glove" would then be incorrect.

Updated by MyrMindservant

Kikimaru said:

We have the mismatched_gloves tag for characters wearing 2 gloves of differing lengths.

The tag should be able to include gloves that are same length but also completely different styles, pattern, color, etc. Having it restricted to lengths should mean the tag should be named something else then, if that's all that is allowed under it.

NWF_Renim said:

The tag should be able to include gloves that are same length but also completely different styles, pattern, color, etc. Having it restricted to lengths should mean the tag should be named something else then, if that's all that is allowed under it.

S1eth has expanded the wiki definition from my rough 1st draft.

Well originally I wanted to name the topic "single_elbow_glove ≠ single_glove" but my keyboard didn't have a character of an equal sign with a slash through it.

EDIT: found the character with character map and updated the topic accordingly.

EDIT2: So how exactly does one cast a vote in one of these topics?


EDIT2: So how exactly does one cast a vote in one of these topics?

You already did so. If thread dies without a conclusion you usually need to bump it and wait for more comments and/or decision.

As a side note, if you are editing the thread's title or content of the first post after some discussion have already occurred, it's usually a good idea to leave a note about what has been changed.
Otherwise, part of the discussion may be confusing to someone who hasn't seen the original title/first post.

Well, I changed the topic title from
"tag implication: single_elbow_glove -> single_glove"
"tag implication: single_elbow_glove ≠ single_glove"
then later changed the title to
"remove implication: single_elbow_glove -> single_glove"
so as to make it more clear what my intent was.
As for the voting, I wonder how others or vote or how to vote on the topics posted by others. I see one post with a -1 in it, am I correct in assuming that it would count as a vote against?

Bugbo said:

As for the voting, I wonder how others or vote or how to vote on the topics posted by others. I see one post with a -1 in it, am I correct in assuming that it would count as a vote against?

There is no formalized voting process. We just discuss and come to a consensus.

Looks like a bug. This will happen to the consequent of an implication when the implication is deleted. I would recommend that no more implications be deleted until this is fixed.

Edit: For clarity, pending implications should also not be deleted. This bug will trigger when any implication is deleted.
