post #9000000 GET!

KKHTA translation

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Well, it's been quite some time since the last two parts came out, and they are still untranslated. I'm asking all the translators we have here. Is anyone willing to help the mankind and translate this great series full of win and despair?
Of course I'm not imagining that someone will rush and translate things just because I want to. And it's not probably even Danbooru residents' business. But if anyone feels like it and has enough free time, I ask them to give it a try.

Updated by Evangeline A.K. McDowell

Wiimeiser said:

Maybe the artist requested to have it removed? You know, like Littleshrimp and all that.

Sorry, didn't quite get you. I was speaking about Komeiji Koishi's Heart-Throbbing Adventure video series. There are 13 parts and the last two haven't been translated for a long time. If 11/13 parts are translated why would he ask to remove my translation request?

I deleted the thread because it should not exist.

a) There's a translation request thread
b) The translation request thread has very clearly defined rules and, even without looking, I can guarantee this request does not fall under those rules
c) This is not what the forums are for, even more so if you're asking for a youtube video translation. Danbooru is not youtube.

Pick your poison.