
Tag Implication: dirndl -> traditional_clothes

Posted under General

I guess that's my only question then; are there really any examples of clothes that are tied to a certain country or region, but aren't considered "traditional" clothes? Off hand, I can't think of any examples.

remove implication dirndl -> traditional_clothes
remove implication ainu_clothes -> traditional_clothes
create implication dirndl -> german_clothes
create implication lederhosen -> german_clothes
mass update traditional_clothes japanese_clothes -> japanese_clothes
mass update traditional_clothes -> -german_clothes -ainu_clothes

Link to request

traditional_clothes tag is currently an umbrella or shortcut tag. we can mark it ambiguous and list all known specific traditional clothing (in the wiki) based on country or ethnicity which is far more useful. we can also make traditional_clothes as empty as possible until the clothes' origin is identified.

ghostrigger said:

remove implication dirndl -> traditional_clothes
remove implication ainu_clothes -> traditional_clothes
create implication dirndl -> german_clothes
create implication lederhosen -> german_clothes
mass update traditional_clothes japanese_clothes -> japanese_clothes
mass update traditional_clothes -> -german_clothes -ainu_clothes

Link to request

traditional_clothes tag is currently an umbrella or shortcut tag. we can mark it ambiguous and list all known specific traditional clothing (in the wiki) based on country or ethnicity which is far more useful. we can also make traditional_clothes as empty as possible until the clothes' origin is identified.

I did this, but I still wonder if it's maybe worth using traditional_clothes as a catch-all. I know it's very broad, but I see a good argument in favor of it when someone doesn't know the origin but knows it's some sort of ethnic clothing.

So maybe we should implicate the individual types to it? The wiki portion should definitely happen either way though.

jxh2154 said:

So maybe we should implicate the individual types to it? The wiki portion should definitely happen either way though.

i'm not sure about that. but if ever we did, we have to make huge exceptions like the japanese_clothes, chinese_clothes, and korean_clothes as stated earlier. thus effectively making traditional_clothes as an umbrella for traditional non-'asian' (sinosphere) clothing which is still quite vague.

in any case, i made up a temporary wiki and listed known traditional_clothes in the wiki.

Saduharta said:

I guess that's my only question then; are there really any examples of clothes that are tied to a certain country or region, but aren't considered "traditional" clothes? Off hand, I can't think of any examples.

china_dress comes to mind as the modern form is seen in almost all examples on this site. Apparently it originated in the 1920s, which I would certainly not consider traditional, but maybe others would, which raises a question — how old does an outfit style need to be, to be considered traditional?

(Sorry if necroposting is not allowed, I reviewed the rules I could find and nothing prohibited it.)