
Hi! Some questions

Posted under General

I uploaded some Krystal from StarFox with a human guy, but only 1 picture, is that furry? If so I'm sorry. And I have a lot of pics on my PC but they're all high quality stuff like the ones I posted(Whenever a mod approves them) but I'm not sure on this "flooding" concept. They're not bad pics by any stretch(Wait and see) but I didn't know we were "limited" to uploads. Especially when they're all high quality.

Is my account. I used to use Danbooru 24/7 since people are always uploading new stuff and it was just great. But unfortunately it shut down and I was so los and confused! lol. So I found out about "The Den of Inqiuity" which was great as well. But they shut down to :(

So I browsed back here to see if anything had changed...and it had! Last time I was a horrible lurker and I can see why you guys put in the privilidged user system, that way people are actually helping out and keeping the site alive!

So I've uploaded 66 stuff so far. I've got over 5k images on my PC so it'll take a while lol...especially uploading 1 at a time :/

I'm a Bleach/Shonen nut so expect lots of that! Glad to be back!

Updated by jxh2154

Quess said:
I suggest uploading something you can see first (i.e. safe images) since questionable and explicit pics can't be seen by non-privileged members.

I uploaded for mostly privileged users to make a good impression haha. I don't think there's that much safe stuff on my PC though, but I'll take a look. Are things like Bikinis considered "safe"? I don't see much detail about it in the FAQ.

sennacrush said:
I uploaded for mostly privileged users to make a good impression haha. I don't think there's that much safe stuff on my PC though, but I'll take a look. Are things like Bikinis considered "safe"? I don't see much detail about it in the FAQ.

Since safe images get more exposure, it gets scrutinized more and good posts get good ratings and comments.


Well senna, I deleted the one furry pic your uploaded.

Furry = bad.

Please be careful with your tags too. Remember to use an underscore, not a space. And check that you spelled the names right and put them in the right order.

The hentai isn't really to my tastes, but don't really delete things just because I don't like them (obvious things like furry and guro aside), I just leave them for another mod to decide on. Having to clean up half the tags is a bit of a pain though, and makes a mod less likely to approve, at least in my case. ::shrugs::

Gah. I guess my rush to impress screwed me over huh? Oh well I'll keep trying anyway.

And yeah I noticed some mistakes in the tags but wasn't sure how to correct them. Also after typing out some tags I saw that they didn't stay together, I assume that's what the underscore is used for right?

Anyway thanks anyway for the info guys. And what about uploads by the way? Can I feel free to upload or do I have to wait a certain amount of time?

sennacrush said: Gah. I guess my rush to impress screwed me over huh? Oh well I'll keep trying anyway.

That's the downside to the invite system, people think they need to impress, and it leads to this awkward competition. Just post normally, and invites should come in time.

I think people are hoping that a flood or two within a few days will bump the upload count up and get a quick invite. If you're just here for good art, just viewing safe should be no problem for awhile. If it's just to fap to bad hentai, there's always 4chan or something =P

And yeah I noticed some mistakes in the tags but wasn't sure how to correct them. Also after typing out some tags I saw that they didn't stay together, I assume that's what the underscore is used for right?

Yes, use an underscore between words of a tag, not a space. Space is only meant to separate one tag from another.
As for correcting after you post, click on "Edit" in the menu on the left.

And what about uploads by the way? Can I feel free to upload or do I have to wait a certain amount of time?

Well, see Albert's recently created thread. Basically, there's waiting period, but mods are more likely to approve a few good images (subjective, I know) than to pick those few out of three dozen random images.