
Introduction to Pixiv

Posted under General

surasshu said:
I registered right after reading this, and used Gmail with immediate response, so that should work. It did say something in red about "" which I simply assumed to be something like "if you're using hotmail, check your spam folder".\n\nAnyway, thanks for the lenghty clear and helpful explanation!

Well, I had it translated. It means that you can't register with mobile e-mail addresses and Hotmail. In case of Gmail and Yahoo! Mail, check the spam folder. (I have to turn on the option of putting span in the Bulk Mail folder just to receive both the confirmation messages.)


ZeetherKID77 said:
I keep getting this error on Pixiv:


What does it mean?

Literally it means "An error occurred. If the error reoccurs many times in the same place, please try logging in again."

I must have missed it, but how can I find out the artist name other then sticking the url into the upload bar and hoping its already on file? erh...

You mean the artist name on Danbooru?

Put the image url in the upload form and click "find artist". So long as the artist entry is set up properly (i.e. it has one url to one of the artist's images on pixiv in the list), it will come up with exactly one tag, which is in 99% of the cases the artist name. Still double-check it if you're not sure.

I registered and confirmed and everything but when I try to see an image that is rated "18+" I first get this message:


あなたが18歳以上の場合、[ 設定変更 ]より、年齢制限作品を

Then when I click on the link within that message I am taken to a new log in screen that looks like this:


pixiv ID **************
メールアドレス 変更がある場合記入してください
新しいパスワード(確認) 確認のために上記と同じものを入力してください
掲示板の設定 全体に公開
閲覧制限 年齢制限作品(R-18): 表示する  表示しない

and when I try to log in I get this error:

Sorry for the long post but I'm really lost here and would appreciate some assistance ; _;

piespy said:
From page 2 of this thread...

Yeah I saw that. Should have clarified sorry XD
I did all that but I'm still getting this error:

Any help would be appreciated ^^/

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