
Twitpic no longer provides fullsized images.

Posted under General

A recent change to Twitpic has made it so that images larger than 600px in width are automatically downsized.

post #992551 -> From 1074x1624 to 600x907

post #1281257 -> From 3744x5048 to 600x808

And then there's this confirmation from Twitpic's support:

I'm worried this change might cause downsized duplicates to be uploaded, so I'm posting here to try to get the word out in hopes to limit this from happening as much as possible.

Updated by DakuTree

Sorry for the bump but there's more info on this that needs to be said: even if the image uploaded is equal to or below 600px in width, its filesize will still be reduced/changed. For example: post #1436000, its original filesize is 427.13 KB according to but has been reduced to 236.06 KB through twitpic.

The artist later uploaded the image onto his homepage, here, which of course has the original filesize of 427.13 KB.

The same also applies to Twitter's own image hosting. Unfortunately, there are some artists that upload only to twitpic/twitter, so this can't always be avoided, but if an artist tends to upload his/her work later on onto pixiv, a blog or whatever else, it's probably best to just wait until he/she does so.

Or not, I dunno.

RaisingK said:

Oops, I put my "else" statement at the wrong level, nevermind.

I can automate making comments indicating the original dimensions/filesize, but is there any point?

Unless there's some way to seduce twitpic's api into giving the originals through a magic aphrodisiac script or some such, no. There is no point. :<

Ars said:

The same also applies to Twitter's own image hosting. Unfortunately, there are some artists that upload only to twitpic/twitter, so this can't always be avoided, but if an artist tends to upload his/her work later on onto pixiv, a blog or whatever else, it's probably best to just wait until he/she does so.

When I know the artist uploads the same images elsewhere, I do try to prioritize those sources as I've seen the difference. Twitter's own image hosting seems to be even worse than Twitpic as I always find JPEG artifacts very noticeable on images posted there. Well, obviously excepting images in the PNG format (always like it when artists decide to use that for their Twitter images).