post #9000000 GET!

Using parent relationships to link the pages of a comic sucks

Posted under General

Two different purposes, though they've been used interchangably. Pools are always a good idea, but the idea with parenting them is so they don't spam the main index.

It would be good if we could work that functionality into pooling (designate a "main" page to show, maybe with a new border outline color) so that you don't have to do both.

I think there should be an option to make a pool also automatically parent. Of course it should be an option for pools like , we wouldn't want only one image of those to show up on the main page.

Alternatively, parented images could automatically also be a mini-pool. One that doesn't show up in the "Pools" list, but has the next/previous functionality. And perhaps they can show up in the "Pools" list if there's, say, 8 or more images in them.

They have to be both active and public to appear in the list. (Or, you have to be the creator of the pool.) That one is active but private, so nanami will see it in his list, but no one else will.

As another example:

That one is public, but not active, so it shouldn't show up in the list.

I just activated this already-public one:

So see if that one shows up in the pools list now.

Hmm, that smells like trouble, because the "This post belongs to the X pool." message appears for private pools. And doesn't disappear even if the pool maker sets it to inactive.
The point should be that a user has that pool in the 'Add Pool' option so he can use it without the top message appearing.

For instance, if I add an image to the "Images I (memegui) Like" pool, the message appears on all pictures of that pool.

So, pools with Active but not Public shouldn't make the "This post belongs to the "Images I Like" pool." appear on it's pictures.

Alternatively the message could be made very small because it should be assumed that any image can be associated with at least 3-5 pools.

In response to the first few posts, I agree with LaC. Oddly enough, I was just in the IRC channel yesterday bugging albert about this. IMO parent/child relationship should be restricted to originals/duplicates.

Rather than designating a main page for every pool, I think it'd be easier to just go by the ordering number of the posts in a pool. As it currently stands (afaik), posts in a pool all start with an ordering number of 0, which can be changed to any integer. Why not just hide any posts whose ordering number is nonzero?

Parenting does conflate a lot of different ideas together (duplicates, variations, series). The advantage is instead of having three separate kinds of parents, you only have one. This makes the upload/edit interface a tad simpler. And I honestly don't think this is a big problem, the type of parent or child you're looking at should be obvious based on the image.

Pools automatically parenting or hiding is dangerous, because not all pools are series. This could be made an option. But then which post should be the parent? You could just introduce a separate is_hidden field on posts. But then how does this interact with parenting? And does this mean adding yet another field on the upload/edit page?

Thinking about it just gives me a headache, and it feels like a whole lot of work for not much gain. I don't have major problems with the current system. I hope someone can give an example of a common scenario where it doesn't work.

Pools need the sequence number because you can't always rely on things being uploaded in order. Dupes especially can mess with ordering.

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