hato_satobeni -> hisona or hisona_(suaritesumi) : ひそな / スアリテスミ
Posted under General
hato_satobeni -> hisona or hisona_(suaritesumi) : ひそな / スアリテスミ
and move their current artist pages under the new tags
See forum #81366 and forum #81389 (under forum #39382) for further info on this change suggestion (which was originally a question of irregular romanization).
angelegna -> asuke_yuki: Name given on website: http://asukey.web.fc2.com/profile.html
Delete alias otsmumami -> redrop
Create alias otsumami -> redrop : おつまみ
Delete alias aoko_(fi-eltz) -> kiryu_aoko
Create alias aoko_(fi-eltz) -> kiryuu_aoko and kiryu_aoko -> kiryuu_aoko : 霧生アオコ (きりゅうあおこ)
mottsun -> asakura_ine
Full name (From post #1303051)
DakuTree said:
mottsun -> asakura_ine
Full name (From post #1303051)
Asakura Ine is the author, Mottsun is the artist. They are different people.
hamasan -> hamahara_yoshio : 浜原義雄 (ハマハラヨシオ)
Already moved. This deserves an alias though.