post #9000000 GET!

Useful threads index

Posted under General

Would it be a good idea to add various important wiki pages to this sticky (howto:upload, howto:pixiv, etc.)?

I made a whole bunch of mistakes with my first few uploads because I wasn't aware that howto:pixiv even existed (since it isn't linked to from anywhere prominent, including the beginner's guide), and I would like for other new users to be able to find that page in the sticky and hopefully not err in the same fashion as I have.

Updated by Unbreakable

not write this here but if someone can recommend a program for mass download images since I used the grabber but lately I get an error that no longer works with the servants.
q I hope I can say that another program pueod use as it scares me back into the routine of right click / save image

Updated by Unbreakable

Thanks. I've just now started following the forums again after a three year absence so I'm sure a lot of it is outdated by now.

If anyone else has suggestions, please feel free to post them so this thread can be brought up to date.

Updated by Unbreakable

How to search on danbooru part is missing.

People new here will not know this. How to search good stuff.

To avoid timeouts on base user account, try:
-rating:s order:score limit:20 age:..6months
-rating:s order:score limit:20 age:6months..12months
-rating:s order:score limit:20 age:12months..18months

...and so on.

Updated by Unbreakable

1455097298 said:

How to search on danbooru part is missing.

People new here will not know this. How to search good stuff.

To avoid timeouts on base user account, try:
-rating:s order:score limit:20 age:..6months
-rating:s order:score limit:20 age:6months..12months
-rating:s order:score limit:20 age:12months..18months

...and so on.

Not really a thread, it's on the wiki at help:cheatsheet.

Updated by Unbreakable

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