
Quick Phrase Modifiers?

Posted under General

More like Quick Phrase FUCK ALL MY SHIT UP:


Looks pretty strange with those random bolds doesn't it?

It's cause of this:

I _believe_ every word.

→ I _believe_ every word.

And then? She *fell*!

→ And then? She *fell*!

I don't see the point since there's already the <pre>&lt;i&gt; and &lt;b&gt;</pre> modifiers which aren't conflicting.
I also think you should also be able to use , , , etc. since BBCode is what most people are used to.

Updated by 0xCCBA696

Italics have the same problem:

If you write a tag on a wiki page that uses two underscores, for example silent_hill_1, it'll appear as silenthill1. The trick is to use spaces instead of underscores but how are you supposed to find that out? Spaces are the AND operator on searches. Yet on the forum you can use both silent_hill_1 and silent hill 1.

What I'm getting to is that the forum, the comments and the wiki should have the same, or very similar, text formatting.