
Uploading problems

Posted under General

I have noticed that uploads to both danbooru and hijiribe are getting either "cannot connect to the server" or "connection has reset' error messages on both danbooruUP and the upload page respectively.

Anyone having the same problems?

Updated by Jigsy

I'm assuming if the file is from, it's 10MB+. doesn't seem to allow direct linking to files, I'm guessing when it tries to download it gets re-directed to the post page (See forum #77471). That would be the cause of the "cannot connect to the server" error.

As for MB-sized uploads, the local file uploader doesn't allow files over 10MB to be uploaded, if it's higher the upload will keep resetting until eventually you get the "connection has reset" error. This can by bypassed by uploading to another site and then uploading it to danbooru from there. Might want to hold off on 20MB+ files until forum #77398 is resolved though.

z905844 said:
post #1279677 with a size of 22.2MB has been uploaded.

Can anyone else try and upload a file of 10+ MB and post here if successful or failed?

This can by bypassed by uploading to another site and then uploading it to danbooru from there.

Image was uploaded from dropbox, but the source was removed (as it should be).