otogiri_mokutan -> goshiki_suzu
Reason: Same Artist.
Links to new pixiv/twitter on homepage .
Posted under General
otogiri_mokutan -> goshiki_suzu
Reason: Same Artist.
Links to new pixiv/twitter on homepage .
sakura_nitouhei -> sakura_nitohei
Reason: Same Artist.
kuno_toya -> kuno_touya : 九野 十弥 (くの とうや)
hekino_hayate -> roten_(rotenburo) or roten_(hekino_hayate) : ろてん
create alias otogiri_mokutan -> goshiki_suzu
create alias sakura_nitohei -> sakura_nitouhei
create alias kuno_toya -> kuno_touya
create alias hekino_hayate -> roten_(rotenburo)
noya -> noya_makoto
Normally would be too ambiguous for an alias, but has 262 posts, so I guess an alias is ok.
iwamoto_maguro -> houmitsu
Reason: Same Artist?
post #886181 was posted on houmitsu's homepage about a year before it was posted on iwamoto_maguro's pixiv. Art seems a bit similar too, but can't be 100% sure.
suzu46 -> suzu-shiro
Reason: Same artist. There was no info in suzu-shiro's data block, so it didn't come up in a 'Find Artist' search. I've transferred the appropriate info to 4 pics: the suzu46 tag can be aliased or nuked now.
remove alias syumatsusyorijou -> nemunemu_(shuumatsu_shorijou)
remove alias nemunemu_(syumatsusyorijou) -> nemunemu_(shuumatsu_shorijou)
and maybe (as based on the wiki ):
create alias syumatsusyorijou -> nemunemu_(candy_paddle)
create alias nemunemu_(syumatsusyorijou) -> nemunemu_(candy_paddle)
create alias nemunemu_(shuumatsu_shorijou) -> nemunemu_(candy_paddle)
raita -> honjou_raita
Reason: full name 本庄雷太
yoroduya -> yorozuya_hyakuhachi: Full name is 万屋百八.
create alias suzu46 -> suzu-shiro
create alias raita -> honjou_raita
remove alias syumatsusyorijou -> nemunemu_(shuumatsu_shorijou)
remove alias nemunemu_(syumatsusyorijou) -> nemunemu_(shuumatsu_shorijou)
create alias syumatsusyorijou -> nemunemu_(candy_paddle)
create alias nemunemu_(syumatsusyorijou) -> nemunemu_(candy_paddle)
create alias nemunemu_(shuumatsu_shorijou) -> nemunemu_(candy_paddle)
create alias govurin -> fuukadia_(narcolepsy)
create alias yoroduya -> yorozuya_hyakuhachi
I guess it's a proper thread for this.
kobayashi yoshitaka
kobayashi yutaka (dead profile)
Both point at the same artist(the same HP), but the latter one has no arts assigned to it, so my guess it's a dupe.
haruka_akito -> harunatsu_akito
Reading given here (in the title bar), here, and here (as ''Akito Harunatu'') .
sakae_ootori -> eihou: 栄鳳 / エイホウ
kurootoko -> kuroo (or kuroo_(project_apricot)): 黒男(クロオ)
isshin -> murata_isshin: Full name given here
ame maru -> saida nika: 再田ニカ
takanosaq -> takano_saku: 嵩乃朔
http://unmoral.sakura.ne.jp/waterfall.html (Waterfall//Saku Takano)
riyo (torico) -> kiyomiya ryou: 清宮涼(きよみやりょう)
arc-oblivion -> arcbuncle
Reason: artist changed names.
akai_hana -> musen-shiki_sanhankikan, musen_shiki_sanhankikan or musenshiki_sanhankikan : 無線式三半規管
kirariroru_star -> fukumitsu or fukumitsu_(kirarirorustar) : 福光 (ふくみつ)