How to Draw Moe Characters - Costumes . pool #3697 -original
SFW educational drawing book, starting from partially translated, post #943837; around half of untranslated pages(posts).
thank you, to those who'd be willing to work on this.
Posted under General
How to Draw Moe Characters - Costumes . pool #3697 -original
SFW educational drawing book, starting from partially translated, post #943837; around half of untranslated pages(posts).
thank you, to those who'd be willing to work on this.
Two comedic SFW Madoka stories. I translated parts of both but need help completing them.
pool #5455 from post #1154685 onward. Also, this pool needs a bit of tagging help. I switched out the translation_request tag for translated on the first few, and also switched a couple from Questionable to Safe. I'm pretty sure I didn't catch everything, though.
pool #5265. Seems interesting, and probably got passed over due to my own comment on the first comic page.
Two posts in pool #3722 post #946440 and post #946441. SFW k-on! girls being happy on the beach.
I hope you guys don't mind me posting a big list:
---- usoneko
post #1052162 - and the rest of the pool - safe
---- porurin (do-desho)
post #914560 - partial - safe
---- (YsY)s
post #922196 - chat bubble at end - safe
---- azuki osamitsu
post #1019198, post #1019205 & post #1019209 - safe
post #1078119 - and the rest of the pool - mostly safe with a couple of tame qustionables
---- fuantei
post #695794 and the rest of the pool - safe
---- tzm
post #668402 - questionable
---- yuki hime haruka
post #537654 - questionable
---- gonnzou
post #965497 - and the rest of the pool - safe
---- jeno
post #1088394 - partial - safe
post #1088409 - safe
---- siirakannu
post #1099927 - safe
---- yujup
post #1108872 - safe
---- gibuchoko
post #936717 & post #1142421 - partial - safe
post #946383 - safe
---- mamedenkyuu (berun)
post #1065474 & post #1065475 - partial - safe
Thanks in advance!
pool #5530 Touhou - Tenco's Story (siirakannu)
An almost-silent comic about Tenshi and Iku travelling the world. Every few pages there's a single line of text, some translated, some not. I've tagged all the ones with text so translation_request pool:5530 should find them.
pool #1895 Touhou - Alice's Tea Party
Four new pages plus cover sheet. Cover sheet has title in English, so won't need work.
Thank You.
pool #4168 Touhou - Good Day! Myouren Temple (handsomen)
Starting with post #1154044 it and the next 5 have not been translated, going back 3 weeks ago.
As always, thanks for the time you guys spend translating these!
last part of pool #5289 Touhou - Meiling Manga (tani takeshi)
post #1147849
is partly translated but has not been touched for about a month would love to see it fully translated
pool #4946 Touhou - Hang in There, Kogasa-chan (yuzuna99) SFW
Artist: Jiisuke
Series: Kaiten Muten-Maru
First 14 images are translated. I tried to translate myself, but found I'm incapable. Would be super crazy appreciated.
post #1165251 SFW Madoka, spoilers.
post #1173265
SFW, three bubbles of text
mizuno_(gcdmw)'s three most recent posts.
pretty please? :)
pool #4409 - Safe/Questionable Touhou focusing on Sanae. Some are translated already. belongs to akase rai