
Limiting subjective (hot/perfect/beautiful) pools.

Posted under General

Coconut said:
Perfectly valid as the concept may be, there simply aren't that many posts that fit its description that wouldn't be just as well covered by the orgasm tag. Honestly, to me, post #747470 is the only post in that pool that looks like it's worthy of being in it.

The orgasm tag is applied strongly because of facial visual cues, true. However, this pool concerns only the face being visible. The tag may contain posts with any level of explicitness.

Sorry, but this is the pool that needs to go the most. It's a prime example of a favorites-pool, one that's made particularly worse because of it's subject matter. I think it's a fair assumption that most people on Danbooru like pussies. Because of this fact, when judging whether or not a pussy is sufficiently perfect, people will be inevitably biased by how arousing they find it. post #1004446 seems like a good example: the featured pussy doesn't seem particularly realistic or noteworthy to me, but I'm sure whoever added it just found it so hot they had to add it.

I think if we had a catch-all Exquisite Anatomy pool, this problem would be lessened a bit, first since pussies aren't its primary purview, and second since it's clear from the name that the pool is about anatomic perfection, not "wow that's so hot"

I see. I'll have to agree with you on these points, a catch-all pool does sound like a better option.

The only ones I'd fight to keep would be Perfect Feet/Hands/Breasts/Ass and Beautiful Hair/Eyes(and maybe Smile) and Hot Legs, though even these really need a bit of cleaning up (especially Breasts, Ass, and Smile. The Ass pool feels like it's become a dumping ground for any giant ass pic). The rest just seem way too excessive.

I'd keep Beautiful Smile because of the huge difference between a simple curved line and a well-drawn smile that engages the whole face. Still, looking through the pool, it feels like it'd be hard to moderate due to subjectivity. For example post #889929 strikes me as a beautiful smile, while post #667532 barely registers as a smile to me.

I enjoy the Hot Legs pool because it gives me an immediate list of leggy pictures that others find particulary nice, so I don't have to take the time to dig through the various leg tags. I can understand why this one would have to go, though. Just because it's convenient doesn't mean it's unique or necessary.

I suggest tagging realistic waist (or, maybe, just realistic + waist, but I'm not sure that would work well) a number of images currently in "Perfect Waist":

Furthermore, the tag waist is underused and has no wiki, but if (in theory) it should imitate the scope of the relatively more popular "focus"/"pov" tags hips, legs, feet, thighs, neck, eyes, hands, then conceivably all or almost all images in Perfect Waist could be mass-tagged waist, regardless of their level of perfection or realism.


The pool was deleted by the user who created it.

Should a user be able to delete his own pool even after it reaches a certain amount of posts? Some pools have their definition changed after a forum discussion. If the creator doesn't like the new definition, he can delete the pool at any time even after hundreds of other users have added images to it.

It does sound like a problem, but I think a user deleting his own pool is rare enough that there's no reason to worry about it.

The problem has always been people creating useless pools, not people creating useful ones and then deleting them themselves.

As for the pool in question, I personally wouldn't mind if all the pools that have "Perfect" or "Beautiful" in the title were deleted at this point.

S1eth said:
pool #4155: Perfect Pussy
has too many [[|]] pussies. I don't know how anyone can call a pussy perfect if it's just a black/pink line.
post #616087
post #192407
post #902941
post #1137049

Could be too subjective could just need a cleaning.

pool #4241: Beautiful Face
face order:score close-up ?

post #672896
post #236593


post #871014
post #755277

So no to "it's a tag search/it's redundant"

pool #4399: Perfect Neck
~nape ~neck ?

Not sure what you are getting at here.

post #871014
post #755277
are good examples of what I wrote in my first post.
post #871014 is good so it gets into EVERY pool.
post #755277 doesn't qualify for any of the pools in my opinion.

I'd remove the close-up requirement, but since Hazuki started tagging face for anyone with a face, that's not useful anymore.

Not sure what you are getting at here.

~neck ~nape is for images which focus on that body part. The pool is for images that focus on that body part and some guy happens to like it.

pool #4276: Beautiful Sadness is possibly just a symptom of the sad tag being under-used; pool:4276 -sad has 28 of the 48 images in the pool. In general I find it a little harder than normal to search for emotions and expressions and tag them without making new tags.

Edit: Also what's up with the face tag? Can't it be strict like bust? Wouldn't it be easy enough to define it as:
- head: When only the head of a character is in the frame.
- face: Same as the head tag, but when the face is towards the camera/viewer. Implies head.

What's "an emphasis on the face" if not "most of the picture is a face"? These "an emphasis on" definitions greatly annoy me because they tell me nothing about how judge whether an image should be tagged with this. There might be an objective way of telling if something is an emphasis, but I don't know it. "The camera is centred on <tag> and <tag> takes up at least half of the image"?


S1eth said:
post #871014
post #755277
are good examples of what I wrote in my first post.
post #871014 is good so it gets into EVERY pool.
post #755277 doesn't qualify for any of the pools in my opinion.

I agree with the second one being crap. It was there simply since it was the second on that was not a close up that I noticed.

I'd remove the close-up requirement, but since Hazuki started tagging face for anyone with a face, that's not useful anymore.

I see what you are saying here now I missed your intent before. Closeup would not IMO fit with the other pools since perfect_ass does have full body shots.

~neck ~nape is for images which focus on that body part. The pool is for images that focus on that body part and some guy happens to like it.

Like above I misinterpreted the tone of the second part of your post and got confused.

Serlo said:
pool #4276: Beautiful Sadness is possibly just a symptom of the sad tag being under-used; pool:4276 -sad has 28 of the 48 images in the pool. In general I find it a little harder than normal to search for emotions and expressions and tag them without making new tags.

For me the concept of the pool seems to be a well drawn images + emotion.

The pool name and description don't really explain that but that is an editing issue.

It's not too bad but still a little to subjective for my tastes.

A well_drawn tag? Kidding about this.

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