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Can dated images have year tags?

Posted under General

That'd also get rid of a bunch of thematic New Year's posts which happened to also have the day and month in it. I'm not seeing a good reason to tag dated images with the year other than "the number of the year is in the image"; does adding the year tag for all the images that an artist signed with a date somehow make the year tag more useful? I don't think it does, but since you are a much more prolific tag editor than I am, maybe you could tell me what the benefits of tagging all those images with the year are.

Maybe first we should decide exactly what is the use for year tags?

For starters... I, too, have been tagging images that display years. I think it is a simple and straightforward enough way to find known images.

On the other hand, should year tags be historically meaningful? (which would better fit a pool, if anything, by the way)

  • For example, post #874083 and post #889624 are about the earthquake from 2011, but only one expressly displays the year. Should both be tagged 2011?
  • Hypothetically, any image of the attack on Pearl Harbor should be tagged 1941?
  • and so on...
  • In addition, post #776586 mentions the years in which major Pokémon games were released, which is historically meaningful too (at least in the context of Pokémon fandom) What about tagging it 1996, 1999, 2002, etc.?


I think it would make more sense to reserve year tags for images that refer specifically to the year in question, and not events that happened during a year. We could have tags like attack_on_pearl_harbor, 2011_touhoku_earthquake, etc. if images about them become sufficiently large in number.

Danielx21 does bring up a good point that there is currently no good tag substitute for some of those images currently tagged with the year numbers that would otherwise be nearly impossible to find, but I think there ought to be a better solution to that than making the year tag too inclusive. We should get more opinions about this issue in this thread, in any case.