Sorry about that jxh2154 I put this request in the wrong thread, it was meant for artist tagging.
Posted under General
kisaragiya -> kisaragi_ryou_(sougetsu-tei): From his twitter account. And danbooru has another artist called Kisaragi Ryou.
shinichi_tahara -> hanji_(hansi), hansi or hanji: 飯時 (ハンジ) / hansi
chiku-wa -> moriyama_shijimi.
Reason: Artist's full name is 森山しじみ
Going off their Twitter
luke_(tsuzura) going off their site name would also be fine.
kuroneko-w-b -> kuroneko_(fragrant_olive): くろねこ (artist name) / fragrant olive (site name)
oda_hiroyuki -> kanzaki_hiro.
Reason: His official website profile confirms it. Oda hasn't been used, but it may be worthwhile to alias since that name does show up romanized in images.
ysk0515 --> matsurikay
Same artist, the former seems to have been made going off of the Pixiv URL, but the artist goes by the latter.
karamone-ze <-> karamoneeze : カラモネーゼ
Edit: I fixed it \o/
I found post #847162 tagged jet_engine_(object). jet_engine is currently an artist tag. I'd like to tag post #847162 with jet_engine and the artist tag be moved to jet_engine_(artist) (he has no pixiv page) please.
Edit: I tried doing it myself, but I think I've completely screwed this up.
miz_01 -> mizuki_(koko_lost): mizuki (artist name) / ココLOST (circle name)
Seriously? I guess you learn something new everyday.
Changing proposal to run211 -> vasily_(run211) per Fred1515.
Western order -> Eastern order.
sinker_(pixiv) -> geppewi: 月兵/げっペゐ
create alias kikuchi_junya -> kikuchi_shun'ya.
create alias kikuchi_jun'ya -> kikuchi_shun'ya.
create alias kikuchi_shunya -> kikuchi_shun'ya.
create alias oda_eiichiro -> oda_eiichirou
create alias iwai_ryo -> iwai_ryou
create alias suzuki_jiro -> suzuki_jirou
create alias yoshita_tohru -> yoshida_tooru
create alias azumi_tohru -> azumi_tooru
create alias kochiya_hiduki -> kochiya_hizuki
create alias satoko_kiyuduki -> kiyuzuki_satoko
create alias kanduki_yuu -> kanzuki_yuu
create alias nikogori-mattyaduke -> kureta_(nikogori)
create alias humiduki_homura -> fumizuki_homura
create alias kango_kajiki -> jingo_kajiki
create alias kisaragiya -> kisaragi_ryou_(sougetsu-tei)
create alias shinichi_tahara -> hanji_(hansi)
create alias chiku-wa -> moriyama_shijimi
create alias kuroneko-w-b -> kuroneko_(fragrant_olive)
create alias oda_hiroyuki -> kanzaki_hiro
create alias ysk0515 -> matsurikay
create alias karamone-ze -> karamoneeze
create alias miz_01 -> mizuki_(koko_lost)
create alias run211 -> vasily_(run211)
create alias ame_tani -> amagaya_(rat-tat-tat)
create alias knt31 -> tsuzuya_(knt31)
create alias uduki-shi -> uzuki_aki
create alias cafe_au_lait_(artist) -> cafe_au_lait_(kafeore)
create alias kafeore -> cafe_au_lait_(kafeore)
create alias eisuke_ogura -> ogura_eisuke
create alias sinker_(pixiv) -> geppewi
Move was adequate:
tanishi -> abe_(roiz)
konnsuke -> konsu_konsuke
Manually updated:
luke_(artist) -> luke_uehara